Thanks for the looping info. Have you tried looping from the original VAG files? might be a bit easier but harder to set up...
A couple more names:
906: "Step up", minigame
909: "DokiDoki Chelsea", minigame
As for the order here are my suggestions, from what little I've played, the youtube videos and what I can remember of the original ToD:
(first a regular track, then what other(s) should follow)
034, 602?
052, 016
053, 003, 010, 036
055, 902
006, 600, 903, 601, 910
058, 803
065, 603
066, 705, 500 (my guess, other Tales have a last dungeon-only battle theme and 705 sounds like could be one)
038, 502
054 is a bit out of place isn't it? :) leftover data?
Hope that helps.