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Schala Dec 13, 2006

I've been constantly bugged by certain people about this game, and after hearing about the upcoming anthology of Sega Genesis games, I must now ask: Has anyone heard if Star Control will be re-released somewhere? Either on a compilation or on the Wii's Virtual Console?

Ryu Dec 13, 2006

Sega has made no mention of what to expect in 2007 on the Virtual Console.  I'm curious if they've seen much success with it.  Considering that the development cost is basically that of porting, which I'm unsure how costly and difficult that must be since so many do it for free online, I'm surprised if Sega would not put everything possible up there for that quick and easy $8.

discoalucard Dec 13, 2006

The Star Control property is owned by Accolade. I'm not sure if the company is still around and who still owns the rights. I know the guys originally in charge of the series have been wanting to get the rights back to control the franchise, without a whole lotta luck.

brandonk Dec 14, 2006

Do yourself a favor and download the "Ur Quan Masters", formerly known as the pinnacle of the Star Control series, 'Star Control II'

A classic space RPG with classic 'asteroids' action sequences.  The exploration, story line, and music are top notch.  This version is a conglomeration of the PC and 3DO versions, and it's absolutely free.

Classic video games should be free!

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