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Kenology Dec 21, 2006

Now that most of us have finished Zelda (myself not included), what's next for the Wii?  I'm especially interested in hearing impressions on the following games:

- Trauma Center: Second Opinion
- Metal Slug Anthology
- Splinter Cell: Double Agent
- Far Cry: Vengeance


Zane Dec 21, 2006

Warioware! Rayman!

Haven't played any of those games, though. I heard MS Anthology was solid, but had some load time and a few little bugs here and there. Nothing game-shattering. And Trauma Center can go eat a bag of crap.

Marcel Dec 21, 2006 (edited Dec 21, 2006)

I have Trauma is very hard.  Play Call of Duty 3; it's a fun shooter, even if it takes a bit of getting used to.  IMO, it's the next best Wii game out there.  Far Cry sucks big monkey balls.

XLord007 Dec 22, 2006

Kenology wrote:

What's next for the Wii?

Wario Ware is January and Wii Play just got shifted to February.  After that, who knows.  If I had to guess, I'd say MP3 for Q2, SMG for Q3 and SSBB for Q4, but that's just my guess.  It'd also be nice to know when Kirby, DK Barrel Jets, and the killer Super Paper Mario will arrive since all three of them were originally NGC games that were pretty far along.

Stephen Dec 22, 2006

I would recommend Trauma Center: Second Opinion.  It makes good use of the Wii controller, and it's not a straight port of the DS version. There are 3 selectable difficulty settings for each operation scenario.  Normal is the equivalent difficulty of the the DS version, which was considered pretty challenging.

Metal Slug Anthology is ok for having 7 games packed in, but the strange control configurations are a big turn-off for some.  The game does not support the Wii Classic Controller.  You can ues a Gamecube controller, but it doesn't support the D-pad; you have to use the analog stick.

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