Eclisis Dec 24, 2006
I won an eBay auction on 11-28-06 for Tales of Rebirth for $17.99 ($22.99 after shipping costs) and I have yet to receive the package. I contacted the seller this morning to inform him of the situation and if I'm reading his reply correctly, he is offering to send me a replacement for free. This is only the second time I have had a package disappear, so I was wondering if it was common practice fo sellers to do this or if he's just a really nice guy?
For the record, he doesn't offer insurance on his auctions, although I realistically wouldn't have purchased it for a item of this value anyway. I feel kind of bad though because I know it's not the seller's fault when a package goes MIA and I think he's offering moreso out of fear that I'm going to ruin his 100% feedback.
And while I'm at it, I think the post office may have lost a money order from one of my buyers (supposedly was mailed around the 15th and from 1 time zone away). Is there any way that he can get a refund on the money order if he still has that top portion of it? Because if there isn't, I may have to consider whether I should send the item since he technically already paid once.
And this must be karma from all those times I walked into the post office with my arms full of packages during the busiest time of the day. *sigh*