Godai Jan 19, 2006 (edited Jan 19, 2006)
It's playing with the new "Underworld" movie, but you can see it on Yahoo! Movies here.
Man, the end looks great!
It's playing with the new "Underworld" movie, but you can see it on Yahoo! Movies here.
Man, the end looks great!
It's playing with the new "Underworld" movie, but you can see it on Yahoo! Movies here.
Man, the end looks great!
WOW! GMR looks great!
Wrong Link?
I think this is the URL he meant?
Oops, yeah, sorry. HERE its.
Arrgh, you beat me to it!
Anyways, loved the trailer. Neat how they use music from the game, too.
Wow, what a slideshow. Looks like I'll just go and see Underworld: Evolution.
Wow, what a slideshow. Looks like I'll just go and see Underworld: Evolution.
Do you also forgo eating at dining establishments in favor of sticking a long straw into sewer grates and sucking?
Well I'm more disappointed with this trailer than I was with the last little teaser they had. There is far too much CG (I don't believe that CG is scary), they have tried to turn Alessa into yet another Sadako wannabe (and as much as I love j-horror, that road has hit a dead end) and the theatrical stuff that worked in-game looks a little ridiculous with live actors.
Still - the locations look perfect. That's a massive plus and I still have hope for this to turn out great.
Holy Shit this looks fantastic!
Looks like we're finally going to get a movie that does justice to the original game, even if it turns out to suck. I also like how they're using music from the games for this trailer, I don't think any movie adaptation has done that before.
Ryu wrote:Wow, what a slideshow. Looks like I'll just go and see Underworld: Evolution.
Do you also forgo eating at dining establishments in favor of sticking a long straw into sewer grates and sucking?
No, but it is why I forgo dating and just settle for your mom.
The trailer is worth sitting through U:E to see. If anything, U:E could at least be MST3K'd... not that doing so made Sin City less painful.
It looks very promising.
I am scared.
Official site for the movie got updated today. Link.