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Nemo Feb 8, 2007

I don't know if anyone else bought Ar-Tonelico directly from NISA, but if you did you got a bonus CD with some cuts from the game.  And the CD actually came in its own real CD case with inserts, so props to NISA for putting forth the extra $.25 as this is the first time I ever seen a company do this.  They usually just put the CD in a cardboard sleeve so it gets marked up and damaged (this makes me so mad) or they just stick it in the game's case.  I'll probably just end up selling it anyway since I bought the full OST last year, but I thought it showed NISA actually "gets it" none-the-less.

avatar! Feb 8, 2007 (edited Feb 8, 2007)

Nemo wrote:

I don't know if anyone else bought Ar-Tonelico directly from NISA, but if you did you got a bonus CD with some cuts from the game.  And the CD actually came in its own real CD case with inserts, so props to NISA for putting forth the extra $.25 as this is the first time I ever seen a company do this.  They usually just put the CD in a cardboard sleeve so it gets marked up and damaged (this makes me so mad) or they just stick it in the game's case.  I'll probably just end up selling it anyway since I bought the full OST last year, but I thought it showed NISA actually "gets it" none-the-less.

Yeah, I know what you mean. Blizzard has always put in the extra effort and actually produced their CDs (which come with their "Limited Edition" games) in an actual jewel case with front and back cover smile



Ramza Feb 9, 2007

I too appreciated this. Well, I appreciate just about everything NISA does.

One thing that I didn't *necessarily* like but thought was clever was the Atlus packaging to SMT3: Nocturne OST. They posted packaging on their site that you could download and print. Annoying, but still cute. ^^


raynebc Feb 9, 2007

I liked the quality of the soundtrack, but I really would have been impressed if they had more than a single-page front insert.

oddigy Feb 10, 2007

Nemo wrote:

ar tonelico

Their Generation of Chaos bonus CD also got the same treatment.

I was more impressed by the little hardcover art book. smile

Msia Feb 10, 2007

Amber wrote:
Nemo wrote:

ar tonelico

Their Generation of Chaos bonus CD also got the same treatment.

I was more impressed by the little hardcover art book. smile

Too bad they ran out of color ink for the instruction manual.

oddigy Feb 11, 2007

Msia wrote:
Amber wrote:
Nemo wrote:

ar tonelico

Their Generation of Chaos bonus CD also got the same treatment.

I was more impressed by the little hardcover art book. :)

Too bad they ran out of color ink for the instruction manual.

Hahahahah, that's the same exact thing I thought.  I was very disappointed to see a black and white instruction manual... I'm not sure why that bugs me so much, but it does.

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