XLord007 Feb 15, 2006
Also noteworthy is a new Touch Generation title to teach you how to draw kanji and a Japanese release month of May for New SMB.
Also noteworthy is a new Touch Generation title to teach you how to draw kanji and a Japanese release month of May for New SMB.
Also noteworthy is a new Touch Generation title to teach you how to draw kanji and a Japanese release month of May for New SMB.
It's neat, but I for one most definitely do not need a portable television! Don't need a portable web browser either, although I can definitely see these two items helping sales.
Also noteworthy is a new Touch Generation title to teach you how to draw kanji and a Japanese release month of May for New SMB.
New SMB is looking absolutely amazing. I've been itching for a new 2D Mario for a while now, so I can't wait!
GamesAreFun has some pics from the press conference:
GameWatch has some great pictures of the DS as well:
http://pc.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/2006 … ntendo.htm
Is it just me, or do the DS Lite buttons actually look a bit bigger than the original's?
I'm hoping New SMB (I'm surprised that turned out to be the finalized title -- or is it?) sees a domestic release sooner than later; otherwise, I wouldn't hesitate to import. The Opera web browser sounds potentially exciting, and the ram expansion card is a great idea; heaven knows it'll be an essential addition, but here's hoping to overall functionality.
I'm more than convinced with the DS Lite at this point, and I've got one on pre-order. I'm scared as hell to play Ouendan on the thing, lest I want it to suffer the same screen-scratched fate as my current DS. Still, playing the likes of Super Princess Peach and Dawn of Sorrow should be amazing; the look of the d-pad and buttons oozes comfort, and the new transparent TFT screens should make incredible-looking games look even more so.
The only reason I haven't run down to Wonder Goo and preordered a Navy one is because I'm REALLY leery about how comfy the thing's gonna be. That new d-pad is SMALL and some of us have fat fingers (well... logical extension of fat everything else), so it's sort of concerning. I know it's the same one as the micro, and the micro feels really small to me. :\
Oh hell, being the slave to Nintendo I am, I'll probably get one regardless.
I'm hoping New SMB (I'm surprised that turned out to be the finalized title -- or is it?) sees a domestic release sooner than later; otherwise, I wouldn't hesitate to import.
Hm, could we be seeing the game over here sooner than later?
Hm, could we be seeing the game over here sooner than later?
I was surprised to see that, though I'm skill skeptical for now. I figured Nintendo would hold it for late June at the earliest or October at the latest. If it's ready to release it in America this soon, that can only mean one thing: Nintendo has other big DS games coming this fall. Could Zelda DS or the rumored 2D Metroid be ready for Xmas?
I was surprised to see that, though I'm skill skeptical for now. I figured Nintendo would hold it for late June at the earliest or October at the latest.
Well, it's looking official now. From an official Nintendo press release:
"It's been more than 20 years since Nintendo's highly acclaimed franchise, Super Mario Bros., first hit store shelves. On May 7, eager fans from Mario's classic days must wait no longer to see the brothers return in an all-new platformer with the launch of New Super Mario Bros. for the Nintendo DS.
On the heels of Valentine's Day romance is in the air, even in the Mushroom Kingdom. But Princess Peach wasn't able to celebrate with her special someone, seeing that she's been taken prisoner by Bowser and Bowser Jr. Only the Mario Bros. can rescue the princess from her evil captors as they battle familiar enemies like Goombas and Koopas along with new foes and big bosses.
New Super Mario Bros. is loaded with features and characters that could only exist in the Mushroom Kingdom, including all-new power-ups like the BlueShell, in which Mario can ride, and a massive Mushroom that makes him ultra-huge. The title features stunning 3-D models moving through lavish, cleverly designed 2-D worlds, culminating in a final showdown for the freedom of Princess Peach."
If it's ready to release it in America this soon, that can only mean one thing: Nintendo has other big DS games coming this fall. Could Zelda DS or the rumored 2D Metroid be ready for Xmas?
Many believe Nintendo's strategy is to coincide the game just before E3 -- and a possible North American release for the DS Lite. Could a bundle deal not be far behind?
Many believe Nintendo's strategy is to coincide the game just before E3 -- and a possible North American release for the DS Lite. Could a bundle deal not be far behind?
That seems likely. I even think Reggie slipped up in a recent interview. He was asked when the DS lite would come to America and he said he couldn't comment on the U.S. release, but the Japanese release was going to be in May. Of course, we all know that the Japanese release is actually March 2.
Nintendo just announced a one week delay of New SMB to May 15. Also, Big Brain Academy (Brain Flex) has shifted to June 5.
Nintendo just announced a one week delay of New SMB to May 15.
Hm. So then again, the game just might be in a better position selling post-E3, rather than pre.
Man, I'm hoping for a DS Lite bundle deal. I'd pick it up in a heartbeat. ^_^
I wonder if the kanji title would be useful for foreigners trying to learn Japanese.
I just thought about the Opera browser for DS today, too - that it might be a neat thing to try out, but something I'd like to use continually. Despite that, I wondered if the Japanese version of the browser will work internationally.
I wonder if the kanji title would be useful for foreigners trying to learn Japanese.
I may pick that one up and report on it. We'll see. The initial dictionary offering is NOT very good at ALL for foreigners trying to learn Japanese. Also, I'm still angry at Nintendo for not featuring kanji writing recognition in the first one when it seemed like such a logical inclusion.