Arcubalis Mar 3, 2007
Anyone going? Anyone going to be up there for GDC? Let me know!
Anyone going? Anyone going to be up there for GDC? Let me know!
Darn, I wish I could've been there. Would've been nice to ask him if a ZELDA: TWILIGHT PRINCESS OST will FINALLY be released. This waiting and waiting for an announcement is making me antsy!
Anyway, if you want to get an idea about what his panel was about, here's a link:
http://www.thehylia.com/index.php?subac … m=&ucat=7&
-Jon T.
Ah shoot. Forgot to ask about the TP release!
Ah shoot. Forgot to ask about the TP release!
ARRRGH. In this case, we probably never will know. Or for all I'm concerned Nintendo's future games may never get soundtrack albums. I didn't see any major OST releases during the latter half of the Gamecube era (of course that was because it was underperforming in both sides of the globe), and even though the DS is making loads of money, NEW SUPER MARIO BROS. included, do YOU see any OST albums for that game? Nope. In that case, we may have to just settle with gamerips. Nintendo just might not be interested in sellings its artists' work.
On the other hand, I'm just ranting; I've decided to do my OWN album of TP to pass the time to wait until an album is OFFICIALLY announced, but one wonders if it will happen?
-Jon T.
JMP has a good relationship with Kondo. Maybe he can ask.
Which tunes did Kondo perform at Video Games Live?
JMP has a good relationship with Kondo. Maybe he can ask.
Who's JMP?
-Jon T.
Arcubalis wrote:JMP has a good relationship with Kondo. Maybe he can ask.
Who's JMP?
-Jon T.
Jason Michael Paul, who is producing the Play! Symphony concerts.
Jon Turner wrote:Arcubalis wrote:JMP has a good relationship with Kondo. Maybe he can ask.
Who's JMP?
-Jon T.
Jason Michael Paul, who is producing the Play! Symphony concerts.
If that's the case, then someone's gotta inform him to ask Kondo about that. But... how can one contact this JMP fellow?
-Jon T.
(Making my own TP soundtrack anyway, just to pass the time.)
Nice post GDC Interview!
http://www.gamedailyxl.com/2007/03/09/g … mario-gal/
After reading the report, I'm really interested how Mario Galaxy's "space" themes are going to sound.
Kondo doesn't own an Ipod. Neither do I.
Damn, I need to get a Wii.
Here's the clip of the VGL rehearsal.
http://kotaku.com/gaming/video-games-li … 243228.php
If any of you went to VGL, comment.
How was his performance and your thoughts on the rest?
It was awesome. I'm doing a writeup. Unfortunately, Video Game Pianist broke the piano before Kondo played. Literally. Played so hard that the strings broke. Kondo must have been nervous and freaking out, a buncha keys produced gross woody sounds.
Aside from that, the rehearsal he did was awesome, and I have it recorded. Check out my pics:
Lots of stuff in there. Including a pic of me with Kondo!
Oh, and I was going to get a pic with Kondo, Miyamoto, and Aonuma, but I was running an errand for Jack and the person with me insisted I complete the errand and get a picture later. That never happened. I did shake Miyamoto's hand though.
Unfortunately, Video Game Pianist broke the piano before Kondo played. Literally. Played so hard that the strings broke. Kondo must have been nervous and freaking out, a buncha keys produced gross woody sounds.
Video Game Pianist = dick.
Alexey Pajitnov!!! He is one of my favorite mythological people ever.
GameDaily wrote:Koji Kondo wrote:The world ... I guess, the game's overall theme is sort of a space odyssey -- it's very orchestrated ... so look for something based on those principles.
What's influencing the music you're making for Galaxy right now?
You know just watching move that have to deal with space and space exploration, maybe listening to CDs that deal with the same things -- just trying to get a good ambient feel by doing some research.
This make it seem as though Kondo will be handling Super Mario Galaxy's score himself as opposed to delagating it to his sound staff. The music on the new GDC trailer really sounded like him too.
And a huge "Booooooooooooooooo!!!!" to Arcubalis for having that crap U.S. OoT soundtrack autographed! I swore I was gonna see a Hyrule Symphony or Sound & Drama in that shot!
And a huge "Booooooooooooooooo!!!!" to Arcubalis for having that crap U.S. OoT soundtrack autographed! I swore I was gonna see a Hyrule Symphony or Sound & Drama in that shot!
Unfortunately I don't own anything else that he worked on.
I got Spencer Nilsen to sign his 1989 solo album, "Architects of Change," which was pretty sweet. He was surprised to see it.
Wow it's neat to hear that Kondo is handling Super Mario Galaxy. I wonder if this game will get a full OST release in Japan?
It still annoys me that the only legitimate OST release of TP we have is that sorry excuse for a 7-sampler from Nintendo Power and that Japan hasn't announced one yet!
Part of me almost assumed that it wouldn't happen, since the game in Japan is still at approximately 435,000 in total (according to VGCharts.org). While it may seem like a low number for Zelda, think of it this way--it's the third best-selling Wii game in Japan, behind Wii Sports and Wii Play. It's music should get some acknowledgment.
Another thing to consider--there have been games released in Japan which failed, but still had soundtrack albums. Case in point: Baten Kaitos, Metroid Prime, Wave Race 64, and F-Zero GX. Neither one of these games were particularly successful (Prime didn't even reach 100,000 units), yet all of them got soundtrack albums. Perhaps the success of a game doesn't always guarantee whether there'll be a soundtrack album or not?
Either way, this wait is making me antsy.
Knowing that a website has just been announced (for both NA and Europe) and that there will be statue merchandise figures coming in Japan this May, maybe there's still time.
-Jon T.
Wow, a Jon T post about the lack of a Zelda TP soundtrack. Shocking!
Wow, a Jon T post about the lack of a Zelda TP soundtrack. Shocking!
Sorry, I didn't mean to rain on you guys or sound like I was ranting, but you know how it is when you get impatient about something.
Can ya blame me?
-Jon T.
Just poking a little fun, man. I know exactly where you're coming from.