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Nick G Mar 11, 2007

Anyone else here heard about this? Scroll about halfway down the page for the performer list and to the bottom for a description of this event.

It sounds more and more exciting as Grasshopper updates the guest/ performer list! As if the ghm Sound Team performing live wasn't enough, now Akira Yamaoka will take the stage with Aural Vampire! Oh, and apparently on a separate stage Hideo Kojima and Shinji Mikami will be having some sort of discussion on whose games are better?! All of this chaos will be overseen by ghm's own game producing genius, Suda 51!!!

I really hope that Grasshopper has the common sense to film this event. If this congress of game design's greatest masterminds and game music's hardest rockers isn't made available to be witnessed on dvd someday I will be angry... very angry.

Carl Mar 11, 2007 (edited Mar 11, 2007)

Very Interesting, thanks for bringing us this bit of info, Nick.

Norihiko Hibino doing live jazz + more of Yamaoka's rocking = awesome shows.
I'll quote the english parts here in case people don't bother with the link.

We have Hideo Kojima, game designer of “METAL GEAR” series and Shinji Mikami, producer of “BIOHAZARD” series on this event as special guests. We will warm up garishly under the title talk of “SNAKE vs. ZOMBIE”.

Of course, Goichi Suda from ghm appears as a navigator. Kazutoshi Iida, a game script writer leading the mysterious band, “THE RIOT -Anger of Teens-” announces to perform in the event. (Mr. Iida also appears on the talk stage).
We also plan to have other big guests from the game industry. We will inform the updated information as soon as we fix guests on this blog. Please check this out!

Furthermore, the event venue is incredible this time. We charter 2 floors of “Club Asia”, Club Asia P, and VUENOS TOKYO, which are one of the best clubs in Tokyo. We set up the Talk Stage and Live Performance Stage separately and try to be best to organize the fun event.

Special Guest : Hideo Kojima, Shinji Mikami
Guest : Hifumi Kono, Fumito Ueda, Keiichiro Toyama
Navigator : Goichi Suda
Agitator : Kazutoshi Iida
MC : Yumi Kikuchi, Hideo Shida

Norihiko Hibino Tokyo Underground Jazz Ensemble
AKIRA YAMAOKA with Aural Vampire
ghm Sound Team (Masafumi Takada, Jun Fukuda, Shinya Tanaka)
THE RIOT-Anger of Teens- (Kazutoshi Iida+Teenage Spirits)
and more!

We are also organizing the plan other than the stage. Now discover what is waiting for you.

We are looking forward to having lots of visitors.
Let’s have a party together!

Zane Mar 15, 2007

Sick flyer!!!

Nick G Mar 22, 2007

Wow! Judging from the Babelfish translation I ran on ghm's latest Hopper's update, the ghm Sound Team will be playing selections from the God Hand soundtrack!!!

"Masasi Takeda ghm sound team which is led, presently, directing lively, being to be the midst when it squeezes performance tune it does, but during the selection, the software ' GOD for PS2 HAND ' performing music was decided! ロックテイスト Bali Bali which overflows キラーチューン being live, it explodes! Necessary it is seeing & necessary listening"

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