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Angela Mar 21, 2007's got their "Cook Off" review up, and Parish takes an amusingly innovative approach to it:

All told, it seems the Wii version is far superior to the DS's.  To those who played the DS version the first time around, will you be picking up the Wii version as well?

Zane Mar 22, 2007

Hahaha, cool review. I probably won't be picking up Cooking Mama on Wii, seeing as how I beat the hell out of the DS game and I feel "all cooked out". I might check it out in the future after the inevitable price drop, but for now I think I'll stick to making coffee on the weekends and cutting up onions IRL for my salad.

Stephen Mar 22, 2007

The review is cute, but it is not very uninformative.  This is one of those games I would like to see in action.  The IGN review (while some people think IGN's reviews are bad) at least talks about possible control problems (the reviewer said that some moves seemed unresponsive or unclear).

Angela Nov 23, 2008

I took this quote from the Super Smash Bros. thread of all places, but felt it would be more relevant here:

Jay wrote:

.... and Cooking Mama 2 (how come nobody told me this was fantastic?)

After that whole PETA fiasco last week (along with Majesco's slick marketing response), I felt the need to give Cooking Mama 2: Dinner With Friends a try.  And it is a fun title, though Mama's pseudo French accent (or is it Japanese-Engrish?) can sure grate on the nerves after a while.

But I just found it ironic that's PETA's attempt at putting people off these games ultimately had the reverse effect.  Ah, irony.... the (pumpkin) spice of life.

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