Ryu Mar 28, 2007
Demand as in who wants one. The desire is active and present and relief is sought. Otherwise, there is no demand. Europe had a few extra months to save up money for this launch and we all knew the price of it since May '06. "I'll get one later when the price drops" or "I'll get one, but there are no good games for it" are not statements made under actual demand. Sony shipped a million to Europe, and only sold 600,000; and people have put them on eBay or might return them? With 400,000 still in stores? That doesn't sound as if it would boost confidence on the surface. That is why I'm curious about future European numbers---launch numbers are usually skewed by weird anomalies, such as dud systems, free tvs, and resellers. Not to mention the delay offers news from the US and Japan about what the future holds software-wise (in this case, it's not pretty) AND how Sony seems to really shaft Europe, such as the delay and removing the full backwards compatibility, with the exception of 125 from Britain who got those tvs. Plus, DMC4 and Assassin's Creed are also going to 360; is MGS4 and FFXIII (the only current 3rd party exclusives), both coming out who knows when, enough to build much demand for the system now? To be honest, I was expecting Ace Combat 6 for the PS3. I'm shocked that it is now coming for the 360, apparently exclusively, with online 16 player action. That really hurt my demand for the system and I actually own one.