Soundtrack Central The best classic game music and more

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Nick G May 4, 2007

Could someone tell me if the tracks from Twin Eagle are from the game or the arranges from the Seta game music album? It would be cool to have the remastered versions of the arranges but not nearly as cool as having the original game music.

jb May 4, 2007

I believe both box sets are all original music and contain no arranges at all.  At least that's what most of these style boxes are.

Nick G May 4, 2007

Yeah, I'd hope that would be the case. The game only had two songs in it with the stage theme being only 20 seconds long. The songs are damn good, though. I have a super gun and the pcb of the game but I don't know how to get to the service mode to rip the songs. I might have to bite the bullet and pick that set up.

Nick G May 5, 2007

Hallelujah!!! Those are the originals! It looks like I will be getting that box! Thanks Carl!!! I'll have the "Ground Side" theme on a loop for the next hour!

There are 3 boxed sets? I know of the "Platinum" and "Consumer" sets but what's on the third one? Where can I find the Consumer set, anyone know?

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