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Ryu Jun 11, 2007

How many of you have a 360?  Have any of you tried this demo yet?  I have played through it twice and have really enjoyed it.  You play the bad guy trying to rebuild your predecessor's fallen domain.  It looks and feels like Fable, is humorous (at least for the demo), and you control your minions in a Pikmin-ish fashion.

XLord007 Jun 17, 2007

Ryu wrote:

How many of you have a 360?

Still no 360 for me, but I finally got the oppurtunity to play Perfect Dark Zero which I have been wanting to try since the damn thing came out 1.5 years ago.  Now that I've played it, I am SO glad I couldn't find a 360 back when the thing first came out.  What a waste of $450 that would have been.

PDZ was really the only 360 exclusive I had any interest in, and now that I've played it first hand and seen that most of the comments about the single-player mode are true, there's pretty much much no reason for me to get a 360 any time soon.  Sure, Mass Effect looks cool, but it's Bioware which means it'll be a buggy piece of broken code.  Bioshock also looks nice, but I doubt that'll be a 360 exclusive forever.  Beautiful Katamari might be a 360 exclusive, but since it doesn't look like Bamco wants to evolve this franchise at all, I suppose I can live without.

I also noticed that Best Buy has a neat deal this week where you can get a Sony 1080p 40" LCD TV for $1400 if you buy a PS3, one of two PS3 games, and one of three Blu-Ray movies.  Since most 1080p TVs by themselves cost more than $2000, the roughly $2100 it would cost for this offer ain't bad, save for the fact that there are even less interesting games out for the PS3 than the 360.  Hope they have a similarly sweet deal whenever MGS4 finally comes out.

Ryu Jun 18, 2007

Considering all the great times I've had with the 360, I really don't get why anyone doesn't have one... and even after your explanation.  I could tell PDZ was crap before it was ever released.

GoldfishX Jun 18, 2007

The 360 has a couple of curiosities for me, but ultimately nothing so far worth the expense. I can name maybe a total of 5 (exclusive) games out or coming out and none are worth a $400+ investment (3 are RPG's and I have too many of those on my current systems as is, one is Halo 3 and the other is Gears of War, both games I don't care to play). And I guess Rumble Roses XX...But that's only because of the music (I swear!) XBLA isn't bad, but I'll wait until it seriously takes off and starts dishing out some stuff I can't say no to. Its' potential is scary, then I see stupid shit like the high res SSF2T.

It's the lesser of two evils if we're talking PS3, but I'm perfectly fine with sitting this console war out at this rate. I just haven't seen anything that's worth the splurge (especially compared to Wii and even PSP now).

Wanderer Jun 18, 2007

I *wanted* to try it for the PC but the demo wouldn't run (claiming that a critical file was missing).

Ryu Jul 2, 2007

Well, I've been playing it a lot since I got it Thursday and I'm 21 and a half hours into it.  I've really enjoyed it and around halfway done.

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