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NightsB Jul 3, 2007

from the faint music i've heard in youtube videos, i can pretty much tell you that it is not naganuma. i can't seem to figure out which studio developed it, so i suppose if someone can find that out, i can probably guess who it is. otherwise it'll have to wait until next week when my copy gets here

Carl Jul 4, 2007

I gave it a blind purchase, just to show support for continued vgmworld exclusives, but that's the only main reason...   It could contain just about anything, so I won't get my hopes up for anything major, just whatever happens to be on there...

XLord007 Jul 5, 2007

Thanks, guys.  Let me know how it is when your copies arrive.

NightsB Jul 14, 2007

i believe it is Makito Nomiya

it doesn't explicitly state that he is the composer in the booklet but it does say he's the sound director and the track 30 remixer. but as i listen to it, it clearly sounds like it must be him.

makito nomiya has a really full, deep guitar sound with a lot of emphasis on the lower frequencies (i assume this is it cut through other sounds in the arcades at attract people to the machine). and he uses a lot of darker synths and chord progressions that sound alien-y sometimes. he likes reverb a lot.

and it sounds like his house of the dead 4 stuff, which is awesome. really in-your-face type stuff. he also worked with howard drossin on alienfront online, which was produced by the same team as house of the dead (then sega-wow). so i guess i know who made 2spicy now (i kind of always assumed it was ex sega wow by the art style)

XLord007 Jul 15, 2007

NightsB wrote:

i believe it is Makito Nomiya...

it doesn't explicitly state that he is the composer in the booklet but it does say he's the sound director and the track 30 remixer. but as i listen to it, it clearly sounds like it must be him.

makito nomiya has a really full, deep guitar sound with a lot of emphasis on the lower frequencies (i assume this is it cut through other sounds in the arcades at attract people to the machine). and he uses a lot of darker synths and chord progressions that sound alien-y sometimes. he likes reverb a lot.

and it sounds like his house of the dead 4 stuff, which is awesome. really in-your-face type stuff. he also worked with howard drossin on alienfront online, which was produced by the same team as house of the dead (then sega-wow). so i guess i know who made 2spicy now (i kind of always assumed it was ex sega wow by the art style)

Thanks for the impressions.  Not sure if I will get it yet, but thanks for taking the time to fill us in!

Carl Jul 15, 2007 (edited Jul 15, 2007)

Also, it has the weirdest bonus pack-in item ever...

A roll of DUCT TAPE.

It's orange/yellow and says 2spicy along the whole roll.... Super ugly, but it's real tape you could use if it was (somehow) needed.

NightsB's description is accurate, I'll just summarize:  Thick layering of heavy synth/guitars over looped breakbeats.

Here's a sample track: 15 Mansion

NightsB Jul 15, 2007

haha yeah the pack-in bonus is one of the better bonuses i've gotten from sega. interesting thing to throw in the pile of dolls, cases, and posters i've gotten from that company over the years

XLord007 Jul 16, 2007

Carl wrote:

Also, it has the weirdest bonus pack-in item ever...

A roll of DUCT TAPE.

It's orange/yellow and says 2spicy along the whole roll.... Super ugly, but it's real tape you could use if it was (somehow) needed.

NightsB's description is accurate, I'll just summarize:  Thick layering of heavy synth/guitars over looped breakbeats.

Here's a sample track: 15 Mansion

Duct Tape, huh?  That's pretty wild.  Is it a miniature roll or is it a full size roll that comes along side?

Also, thanks for the sample.

Carl Jul 16, 2007

It's the half-width (slim) kind, but the Diameter is almost as big as a jewel case.
It came in a seperate bag.

XLord007 Jul 16, 2007

Carl wrote:

It's the half-width (slim) kind, but the Diameter is almost as big as a jewel case.
It came in a seperate bag.


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