Soundtrack Central The best classic game music and more

    Pages: 1

Carl Jul 19, 2007

Ahh, composing in Mario Paint.

Good if you have complete DAYS of time to waste, as that interface is not very user friendly smile

oddigy Jul 19, 2007

Ahaha, those are absolutely brilliant!

The hardest thing I found while working in the mario paint music editor was that there was no way to increment halfsteps.

This guy does a great job of transposing the songs to accomodate.

I still think the "heart" bass is one of the greatest samples ever, and works great in that FFIV battle theme. :)

I also love his shameless embellishments (gotta stick that cat sample in there sometimes. ;D)

Datschge Jul 19, 2007

My favorite would be this, best use of the samples (even if not the most creative).

Ashley Winchester Jul 19, 2007

Amber wrote:

I also love his shameless embellishments (gotta stick that cat sample in there sometimes. ;D)

A well-placed cat sample is always welcome...

Ramza Jul 19, 2007

I thought the Guile arrangement was the best.

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