Soundtrack Central The best classic game music and more

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Qui-Gon Joe Jul 26, 2007

So the last thing I'm hoping to try and get my hands on before I leave Japan (actually well after I leave... gonna have to have it sent to a friend of mine who's still here) is the FF7 edition PSP that's coming out.  The Square Enix Members' site is letting people place orders for them tomorrow if you're a silver member, but I'm 95 points short of that.  Does anybody happen to have points from soundtracks they've bought that they can't use and want to generously send them my way?  I already have SD4, FF3, and Heroes of Mana registered, so those won't work.  Also I'm really really annoyed that Square themselves didn't publish the KH box set or the FFXII ost, since either of those would be worth a decent amount of points.  x_x

Schala Jul 27, 2007

Sure, I won't be using any of those points, if I do indeed have some. I don't know what soundtracks are worth points, there a list somewhere? Or is it just anything published by SE?

Qui-Gon Joe Jul 27, 2007

Sent you an email (well, two, actually).  Thanks!

Kirin Lemon Jul 27, 2007

I'm really tempted to pick up that new PSP, and I even leave for Japan tomorrow afternoon, but I'm not sure if I can justify upgrading my current PSP system when I barely play it.

avatar! Jul 27, 2007

Kirin Lemon wrote:

I'm really tempted to pick up that new PSP, and I even leave for Japan tomorrow afternoon, but I'm not sure if I can justify upgrading my current PSP system when I barely play it.

Because of the video out, it's golden in my book! I most certainly will pick on up. I have to admit, Sony did right by adding the video out smile



Qui-Gon Joe Jul 28, 2007

avatar! wrote:

Because of the video out, it's golden in my book! I most certainly will pick on up. I have to admit, Sony did right by adding the video out smile

Agreed.  A new PSP with video out is far more exciting to me than anything that Sony has shown for the PS3 so far.  Being able to play Falcom goodness on my TV is something I'm looking forward to.  I also hope the rumor of them making it sixaxis compatible is true too, as then I wouldn't have to hold that weird PSP shape at all.

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