Zane Aug 20, 2007
I posted a while back with a pretty raunchy article about how the iPod has killed music, and while it was extreme I feel that the message I got from that article was a potent one. With the accessibility of digital media and the abundance of iPods and large hard drives, it seems like some sort of OCD is prevalent with people that have MP3 players that keeps them from fully enjoying their music.
I, for one, am hugely guilty of not listening to things as much as I should have. The shuffle option on my iPod and iTunes is a curse; all I do is skip over the first 10 seconds of each song and never really take things in anymore. I'm still discovering cool songs on my Shadow Hearts FTNW OST, and after several months of owning it I am really digging into Azel's soundtrack. I've put my iPod in the corner for now and have only been listening to music on actual compact discs, and the results have been great for me. Instead of having the temptation of changing songs halfway through or skipping around aimlessly, I am actually listening to music and enjoying it more than I usually do. When I hear a cool song I'll listen to it again, instead of mindlessly skipping to the next track.
I get more enjoyment out of CDs, like the digital stuff has no soul and isn't as enjoyable to listen to. I've talked to a few people about this that feel the same way, so I don't think it's just me being OCD and ADD or whatever three-letter mental ailment you can think of (DUM?).
My question to you is this: does anyone else have trouble really listening to music, especially since listening to digital files are starting to take the place of listening to full compact discs?