I have to second Angela's pick for Ammy from Okami, but Samus is also big on my list. And everyone talking of Karin from Covenant makes me really want to finally beat that damn game.
Other girls I really liked?
- Garnet (FFIX): Reminds me in every way of the girl I first fell in love with.
- Ken Marinaris (ZOE2): Her interactions with Dingo were at times hilarious, serious, and sometimes heartfelt, even if the game suffered from a pretty shitty translation.
- Elyham (Xenogears): Something about her character just felt "right". I don't know. Anyone else have thoughts?
- Mia Fey (Phoenix Wright): Her sexiness isn't just limited to her ample bust, and slinky way of dressing. I found her confident attitude to be a serious draw for me. In my mind, she represents femininity in every way, though others may disagree.
- Miyo and Mayu (Fatal Frame 2): I can't explain why (spoilers), but the dynamics between the two put them on the list. The game itself might be one of the saddest (and scariest) games ever made, but these two girls lent a great deal to the proceedings, too.
- ADA (ZOE1 and 2): For the love of God, I can't explain why, but a feminine-modelled sentient operating system for a giant robot struck me as very sexy. God help me.
- Fortune (MGS2): Yeah, she was kind of a whiner, but she had class like none other.
- The Boss (MGS3): Come on. Anyone who's played this game to the end knows why.