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Angela Sep 1, 2007

Kohler reports that Taito has pushed through with the Kiki Kaikai 2/Pocky & Rocky project that was canceled earlier this summer, and UFO Entertainment will be publishing the game for a domestic PS2 and Wii release.  Now dubbed with the new title "Kiki Kai World," World is considered the "spiritual successor" to the now-defunct Kiki Kaikai 2.  Take that for what it is, but my guess is that the gameplay and level framework will at least remain the same, though the characters and graphics might be completely different: … kai-w.html
The PS2 version is set for a December 18th release, while the Wii is scheduled for early 2008.  No word yet on the differences between versions: … 541&sr=8-2

GoldfishX Sep 1, 2007 (edited Sep 1, 2007)

I saw that posted over at GFF a few hours ago and I added that to my "to buy" list for December. Nice to see that type of old-school goodness still being released on console (I'd have figured it to be relegated to handhelds). "Modernized" sprites look nice as well.

Also of note: Monkey King (a 2D shmup) for Wii. Looks like something I can pick up along with Smash Brothers Brawl when I get my Wii. … -king.html

Guess that's one good thing about PS3...It'll make it easier for games like this to see release on PS2. And since PS2 can also play PS1 games, that's a lot of backlogging potential (so how about some Growlanser 1 love?)

shdwrlm3 Sep 1, 2007

I had Pocky & Rocky for the SNES and loved it to pieces. I loved it as multiplayer game, however, so the lack of a furry raccoon on the cover concerns me. Although, I just checked the old Impress Game Watch page for Kiki Kaikai 2 and it does mention a 2P mode.

It's strange that the game isn't really being renamed. The second "kai" in "Kiki Kaikai" has always meant "world," no? Well, I guess they removed the 2, but the kanji is still the same.

No word yet on the differences between versions

I'll call it now: Waggle the Wii-mote to swing purification rod or wag tail.

csK Sep 3, 2007

I still have a hard time accepting that TAITO had a fall-out with the company; they should be delighted that KK was finally getting a sequel.

That said I'm interested in any upcoming news in the title, though my expectations are not NEARLY as high as when Starfish broke my heart the first time in June!

Stephen Sep 18, 2007

Both games are on my "want to buy" list.

Angela Apr 21, 2008 (edited Apr 21, 2008)

So, I don't know what suddenly made me think about this game today.  Apparently, somewhere between last year and now, the title of "Kiki Kai World" stealthily changed to "Heavenly Guardian" - and a check at reveals that the release date for the Wii version is actually this week, April 22: … t_id=71006

Not sure what to think.  The budget price is sure temping, but the already-released PS2 version (which seems to be a complete rarity already) got some pretty piss-poor reviews. … eview.html

Any of you guys still planning on picking up the game?  It just seems so far removed from Kiki KaiKai now, that there's really no point anymore.

XLord007 Apr 21, 2008

Angela wrote:

and a check at reveals that the release date for the Wii version is actually this week, April 22: … t_id=71006

I like how GameStop didn't bother to change the text in the description:

GameStop wrote:

Heavenly Guardian embodies the fast paced fun and adventure of the classic arcade shooter while utilizing the powers of the PlayStation 2 to add new thrills to the genre.

Stephen Apr 21, 2008

Angela wrote:

So, I don't know what suddenly made me think about this game today.  Apparently, somewhere between last year and now, the title of "Kiki Kai World" stealthily changed to "Heavenly Guardian" - and a check at reveals that the release date for the Wii version is actually this week, April 22: … t_id=71006

Not sure what to think.  The budget price is sure temping, but the already-released PS2 version (which seems to be a complete rarity already) got some pretty piss-poor reviews. … eview.html

Any of you guys still planning on picking up the game?  It just seems so far removed from Kiki KaiKai now, that there's really no point anymore.

This might be worth a try if it was $9.99 (Mobile Light Force 2!).  Now, I don't always accept the professional reviews on faith, but having looked at screenshots and the IGN gameplay video, I am not impressed at all.  This game just isn't that interesting.

Still waiting to see if Monkey King is ever coming over too.

csK Apr 22, 2008


It looks like something off a Flash gaming site.  This is really sad, this was probably the only game I was looking forwards to.  If I had a good deal of money I'd get if only to remind me what could have been, but I don't, and perhaps that'll save me from being too upset.

allyourbaseare Jul 11, 2008

I purchased Heavenly Guardian for the PS2 awhile ago and here are some of my impressions:

- Definitely reminds you of Pockey & Rocky/Kiki Kaikai
- Gameplay is simple enough to pick up and play
- 2-player is decent enough

- Not alot of time was spent on level design, with enemies kind of thrown at you at the most random points.  If you're not ready for them, then your health drains rather quickly.
- I have yet to find a F***** SAVE POINT
- Music is somewhat forgettable
- The plot is absolutely ridiculous, but what were you expecting?

UFO gets an "A" for effort, but the game really does fall flat on its face.  With the recent price drop, you might be able to find it used for $9.99, which isn't all that bad.  It certainly is a niche title that will have your friends asking "What is that?"

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