Timt99 Sep 5, 2007
The title speaks for itself. Time and time again, whenever I listen to them, I always find peace and bliss from the songs. Good stuff, never gets old. Anything else out there that I'm missing that sounds like them?
The title speaks for itself. Time and time again, whenever I listen to them, I always find peace and bliss from the songs. Good stuff, never gets old. Anything else out there that I'm missing that sounds like them?
Obviously that Celtic Xenogears arrange CD Creid should suit your tastes.
Obviously that Celtic Xenogears arrange CD Creid should suit your tastes.
Haven't heard the GS Celtic Collections but Xenogears Creid and GS Asian Collection are IMO pretty far apart.
In any case Asian Collection is good stuff ain't it! GS 1 and 2 OSTs as well for that matter, just a bit synthy and with too many filler tracks.
GS 1 and 2 OSTs as well for that matter, just a bit synthy and with too many filler tracks.
I'd say that applies more to the second game's OST than that of the first.
I like certain tracks off of Xenogears ~ Creid, and Genso Suikoden Asian Collections is good, but I was never able to get into the Celtic Collections.
I'd say that applies more to the second game's OST than that of the first.
Definitely...The first OST is actually one of maybe 3 multi-disc RPG soundtracks I feel doesn't have any filler, whatsoever. And the streamed instrumentation is still light years ahead of even some RPG's today, I feel. The second...Great soundtrack and even better high points than the first, but the sound quality did take a hit and I did take a few tracks off the whole to make it more enjoyable to listen through. I think the 6-7 Victor's Fort variations is an infamous example of filler music.
I normally find those type of "world music" arrange albums totally hit-or-miss...None I can listen to straight through, but worth making a collection of the good tracks from (though I felt Celtic Collection 3 was pitifully weak, compared to 1 and 2...Only track of note for me was "Rock Rockland") Consider Zwei!! Super Arrange, which has a good number of Celtic stuff in addition to other "world music" arranges (Egyptian Desert theme, Spanish guitar theme, etc) and you'll probably get more out of Creid than I did if you dig the Celtic-heavy stuff (I like about half the album) And don't forget Genso Suikoden Orrizonte and FFIV: Celtic Moon.
Heh, I have all of these albums (Zwei, Creid, Orrizonte, etc.) except FFIV Celtic Moon. I'll check that one out. As most know, I'm all over the Suikoden OST, but I like the arranged style with the focused celtic element for some reason. Asian Collection is definitely the pinnacle of the arranged discs though. Anything else worthy to look into, let me know. It doesn't have to be celtic though, I just like the tranquil feel that celtic seems to continually bring, or perhaps that's what the celtic genre is composed of? For example, tracks 6 and 8 on Celtic, and tracks 5 and 12 on Celtic 2 are my favorites. And just listening closely to them, I realize it has something to do with that angelic voice of why I like them so much, haha. Is that supposedly another aspect of celtic music?
If you want Celtic stuff, just check out Yasunori Mitsuda's discography:
Sailing to the World
Tsugunai ~ An CinniĆ¹int
You can sample certain tracks for these at: http://www.rpgfan.com/soundtracks1.html (they might not have KiRite though, as it's an original album, as opposed to a video-game soundtrack).
If you want stuff similar to the Celtic and Asian Collections you should check into Yoko Ueno, who did many of the arrangements on the albums. Her prowness in composition is just as good as her ability to arrange. Of particular note are her two Asterisk solo albums and soundtrack to the anime Brigadoon. http://www.uenoyoko.com/
She is also a former member of my favorite band ever, Zabadak, which would also be right up your alley. http://www.zabadak.net/
- Justin Pfeiffer