Soundtrack Central The best classic game music and more

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jb Sep 5, 2007

On a whim I bought the Blue Dragon Animation OST, and just a heads up to anyone who had seen it and wondered what it was like, it's not that great.

It totals 21 tracks and clocks in at just over 42 minutes, so you can imagine how short the songs are.  The majority of them are barely over 1.5m long.  The composition on the tracks is pretty poor and the ones that actually have potential are ruined by the fact that there's no time for emotional buildups or movements.  The composition style is light orchestral.  And by light I mean short, uninspiring and alltogether mediocre.  They're simple enough to almost be called minimalistic, but that would be a disgrace to the entire genre of minimalism. hmm

Megumi Ohashi is the composer for most of the tracks.  Nobuo Uematsu is credited with composing two tracks (The opening theme, and The Land Shark Is Coming!) and someone named T2ya composed two others.  She arranged all of them though.  Even the original Nobuo songs just ... lack.


Now, after that astonishing review, anyone interested in buying it? tongue

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