"Journey Through the Brilliant Days (Chrono Trigger) - takrockers!!"
The best of the CT doujins thus far, IMO.
"Legend III - Mana - Lukar/Dow"
It's Lukar...It's awesome of course.
"Lost Childlen (Lost Children) - Various"
Letdown, especially vs originals.
"Megalomania (Rockman 1-3) - Dangerous Mezashi Cat"
The arranged album every Megaman fan needs to have.
"Crowzfest (Crow's Claw plus other guitarists)"
You'll like...Original stuff, but a generally excellent shredfest (though disappointing entries from CC and Jesus is Dead...SSH w/Godspeed is a match made in heaven though and SoJ, Serenade and Demetori clean up nicely after them).
"Phoenix Project Chrono Album - Phoenix Project is definitely my favorite camp right now, conistently amazing stuff"
Interesting mix...I dig the rockers and acoustic, but I can leave the techno. Quality.
"A new album from S.O.J - Looks like original stuff"
Also good (haven't listened real closely yet, but SoJ reuses his "Phoenix Sword" track from Crowzfest)
"Woodsoft Sega Album"
News to me...Please give report once you get it.
I believe the Rock Buster albums were also put out this year as well, plus UUDDLRLRBA and "Get Equiped With Kid Overdrive" (awesome American releases...The former covers a bunch of NES games and Get Equiped is all Megaman with live guitars and stuff) and OCR has a massive FFVII project they're unveiling soon. And Hellion's "Legacy" album is droolworthy just for the Brandish Ending 2 arrangement and "power metal" Phantom Train.