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allyourbaseare Sep 20, 2007

Now I've done all the research I can online, but somethings are best left to the experts.  What other albums did these two do besides Terranigma (Tenchi Souzou) and Granstream Saga?  I'm convinced that those two albums can't be their only opuses.

Red HamsterX Sep 20, 2007

Unless you mean albums they composed together, I can add Atelier Judie to Miyoko Kobayashi's list of works. (Other tracks on this album were composed by Masayuki Kobayashi and Akira Tsuchiya)

allyourbaseare Sep 20, 2007

I'd prefer the two of them together, but any new material would probably be worth hearing.

Dais Sep 20, 2007

Have you checked GMCL?

It credits Hikichi with the following works:

Grandstream Saga
CODE-R (racing/dating game for Saturn by Quintet)
Orphen: Scion of Sorcery (an  actionhybrid-RPG? by Shade. Wonder what other ex-Quintet staff worked on it. Anyway, there's an OST, but it seems Hikichi only did the SFX, according to Mobygames....?)
Chou Hatsumei Boy Kanipan: Hirameki Wonderland (PSX game based on an anime/manga series)
Terranigma (natch)
Power of the Hired (annoyingly unfair SRPG for SNES)
Brightis (that PSX action RPG developed for Quintet, apparently?)
Warsong/Langrisser on Turbo CD (maybe he arranged the CD music?)
Gley Lancer (Genesis shooter with great music, also an Iwadare co-product)
Steel Empire (sound effects)
Galaxy Force II (sound effects)
Ys IV Mask of the Sun (sound manipulator, whatever that means)

seems that before he went on to Quintet, he did some work with NCS/Masaya (and by extension, Noriyuki Iwadare), as well as bit for Sega?

Anyways, onto Kobayashi!

....that's interesting. There's a re-direct to Miyoko Takaoka. Congratulations!


Grandstream Saga
Hresvelgr (an apparently very bad arcade-style racer by Gust. seems to have a soundtrack)
Hermina and Kurusu ~Atelier Lilie Another Story~ (ヘルミーナとクルス リリーのアトリエもうひとつの物語) (no OST?)
Atelier Judie ~The Alchemist of Gramnad~ (this one has an OST)
Atelier Lilie ~The Alchemist of Salburg 3~ (as does this)
Atelier Lise ~Alchemist of O'ldor~  (yet another one with an OST)
Ys IV Mask of the Sun (sound manipulator)

.......oh dear. It seems their only other recorded work together was wrangling sounds for Ys IV on Turbo CD. Oh well...

awhile back, I thought about going about (machine- and intuition-)translating GMCL and then seeing if the website owner was interested in hosting the translation (or was okay with someone else hosting it). But I didn't get very far, that was many months ago (so my work so far would have to be updated), and I'm sure someboy at Gamingforce or somewhere has already done it/is working on it as we speak.

Ramza Sep 20, 2007


Are you sure you got the right Kobayashi on all those Atelier albums? Miyoko did less of the two, if I'm not mistaken. As Red Hamster mentioned, Masayuki Kobayashi did a lot. But Miyoko may have been involved in others: check RPGFan to be sure. I got good info there. (too lazy to check now).

And yes, the Hermina and Culus album does have an OST. It's reviewed on RPGFan. ^^

Also Dais -- ex-Quintet staff *was* on for Orphen. Unfortunately the game wasn't too great; it was one of the first games on PS2, and we all know how early-in-console-life games turn out (for the most part, bad). I think Hikichi may have done some of the synth programming beyond SFX ... the soundtrack is VERY heavily techno-influenced. Not much like Granstream or Tenchi Souzou.

Dais Sep 21, 2007

Hey, all I know is what was listed on GMCL. But RPGFan confirms Miyoko as working on all of those, except for O'ldor - and the gmp3s release nfo credits her for roughly 1/3 the game's music.

Come to think of it, the nfo is on the special release of the O'ldor soundtrack, which also contains the music from the GBA and Wonderswan games (and the Wonderswan game is a remake of the original Gameboy games, I believe). And the details on those are a little confusing, but:

Disc 2 - Atelier Marie, Elie & Anis ~Message on the Breeze~
#3, 04, 31
Music by   Toshiharu Yamanishi  /   Arrange by   Akira Tsuchiya
#11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 30, 37
Music by   Miyoko Takaoka  /   Arrange by   Akira Tsuchiya
#1, 2, 5 ~ 10, 13, 15, 17, 19 ~ 29, 32 ~ 36, 38, 39
Music by   Akira Tsuchiya  /   Arrange by   Akira Tsuchiya

Disc 3 - Alchemist Marie & Elie ~The Two Ateliers~
Music by   Toshiharu Yamanishi   /  Arrange by   Akira Tsuchiya
#03, 23
Music by   Toshiharu Yamanishi  /   Arrange by   Miyoko Takaoka
#06, 25
Music by   Akira Tsuchiya  /   Arrange by Miyoko Takaoka
#11, 12, 15, 16, 19, 24, 28, 29
Music by   Miyoko Takaoka  /  Arrange by Miyoko Takaoka
#01, 02, 05, 07, 08, 09, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27
Music by   Akira Tsuchiya  /   Arrange by   Akira Tsuchiya

Red HamsterX Sep 21, 2007 (edited Sep 21, 2007)

-Deleted for stupidity-

Ramza Sep 21, 2007

ya, Miyoko was along for the ride indeed. Good call.

allyourbaseare Sep 24, 2007

Excellent.  Thanks to all of you, especially Dais.  I believe I'd be completely lost in that website, but it's good to know that it's there.

Dais Sep 24, 2007

Oh, believe me, it's easy to use.

A little trick for helping to understand Japanese websites in English:!

paste the site you wanna machine translate into the URL, select the second of the two toggle options (日→英), and select the second option in the drop-down box. Then hit the orange-rimmed button!

Machine translation still isn't anywhere perfect (and there are probably better online machine translators out there), and there are a lot of sites it can choke up on (especially stuff that does php kinda things), but Japanese Excite/BizLingo set up in this particular way has the benefit of rendering both the original Japanese AND the attempt at translation.

Naturally, this isn't always helpful, but with something like GMCL, if the name ends up looking something like [arrpakunzukonasuru], you can look at the corresponding Japanese and paste that into Google, and a little detective work there (usually involving the image search and boxart) should show you that the game is, in fact, Arpacon Sucko Nasal. Or something.

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