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the_miker Oct 2, 2007 (edited Oct 2, 2007)

I just did a quick VGMTrans game rip from the just released DS game ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat.  All music composed by Hitoshi Sakimoto (as if you can't tell by listening to it).  Note that this is a very sloppy rip and it looks to be missing tons of tracks compared to the actual OST's track list, mainly because I can't find any other sequenced music in the rom and I didn't include streamed music from the movies.  Also note that the quality is very poor and you'll hear pops/clicks all over the place and sometimes instruments won't sound right at all.  OTHER THAN ALL THAT THOUGH, this gives you a pretty good idea of what the OST will be like.  So far so good to me.  The battle themes are killer as they remind me of his BoF5 style.

Is there any word on whether the OST will use this original DS music or "true" sound ala FFTA's second disc?


P.S. to Amber or anyone else who knows about this stuff: this is all that's rippable from the rom, right?  There's another sdat file in addition the one I got these from but that one looks to be all sound effects.


Cedille Oct 2, 2007 (edited Oct 2, 2007)

the_miker wrote:

All music composed by Hitoshi Sakimoto (as if you can't tell by listening to it).

Any confirmation here? I personally think there will ever be no Sakimoto solo work anymore (anime Romeo×Juliet included, of course) and while I don't make my rip nor do I download yours yet, there is a track on the official site that sounds like Iwata to me. The staff credit will be checked soon by someone, though.

Anyhow, thanks bunches. For some reasons I planed to buy this game, but how unappealing Sakaguchi's games look made me forget even the release date tongue

the_miker wrote:

Is there any word on whether the OST will use this original DS music or "true" sound ala FFTA's second disc?)

I don't know which the entire OST is based on, but in the tracklist (spoiler!) not a few tracks appear more than once.

JBL Oct 2, 2007

Thanks a lot for the rip, great work! big_smile
I'm liking what I hear a lot, looking forward to the proper soundtrack release.

Is there any word on whether the OST will use this original DS music or "true" sound ala FFTA's second disc?

I'm certain it will be both.
For example, on this page, the "true sound" version of BGM22 is playing in the background:

And in the mid-section of this trailer, parts of BGM08 and 12:

As for the composer credits.... there are definitely a few tracks that sound a lot like Iwata to me, such as BGM10 (reminds me of The Pervert from FFT), but most of it is definitely Sakimoto, and imo no one other than those two worked on it.

SquareTex Oct 2, 2007

Oh wow...

Ever since I finally listened to the Odin Sphere gamerip - and tumbled head over heels for it - I've been trying to get reacquainted with the Basiscape fellows again. So thank you VERY MUCH for the preview! big_smile

p.s. It'll be a rough couple weeks waiting for FFTA2...

Knurek Oct 3, 2007

Here's mine, this should have all the files (except for the stuff from the movies). Also, I didn't hear any clicks.

Timed for two loops as well.

Wanderer Oct 3, 2007

I'm certain it will be both.

Yeah, it looks like it. There's 46 original pieces in the soundtrack and then 32 repeats (with shorter track times).

Zane Oct 4, 2007

JBL wrote:

As for the composer credits.... there are definitely a few tracks that sound a lot like Iwata to me, such as BGM10 (reminds me of The Pervert from FFT), but most of it is definitely Sakimoto, and imo no one other than those two worked on it.

Yep, GMR has been updated with both composer's info:

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