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Abrahm Oct 16, 2007

Some of my favorite tracks from the Final Fantasy X OST were the "Song of Prayer" songs.  I especially liked the Yunalesca song... great harmonies there.

Well, I want more music like that.  I say 'like that' because I really don't know how to classify it.  Is it choir music?  Some sort of operatic thing?  Vocal ensemble?  It doesn't matter, really; I just want more of it.

So, are there any suggestions/recommendations?  Where should I look?  It doesn't have to be restricted to game music.

jeriaska Oct 16, 2007

For game music, you might want to try Wild Arms 1 and Koudelka.  For anime, I'd suggest Ghost in the Shell 1&2.

Ashley Winchester Oct 16, 2007

jeriaska wrote:

For game music, you might want to try Wild Arms 1

Agreed, I'd check out "The Demon Tower that Pierces the Heavens" and "Ashes to Ashes."

Megavolt Oct 17, 2007

"Requiem" from Rondo of Blood and "Prayer" from Symphony of the Night should be right up your alley.  And if you don't mind some accompaniment, then maybe you would also like "The Beautiful Woman of Alent" from Grandia OST 1, which as its name suggests, is a beautiful track.

Btw, your thread reminded me of another one, which I went ahead and dug up for your inspection: … yrics.html

Smeg Oct 17, 2007

Check out Eric Whitacre's choral stuff. The "Complete A Capella Works" is a good compilation, or there's the Cloudburst disc which offers some different material and some new performances of some of the same pieces. You'll be glad you did.

Also one of my favorite uses of choir in recent years has been on The Matrix Revolutions score. Neodammerung (the accompaniment to Neo's final battle with Smith) and its remix by Juno Reactor, Navras, both get pretty heavy rotation on my mp3 player. Navras also mixes it up by adding some Indian and Japanese-sounding vocals. That may or may not be more intense than what you're looking for, but definitely check out the Whitacre either way.

Abrahm Oct 30, 2007

Yes, thread necromancy.  The lose.  I know.

I wanted to resurrect the thread to thank everyone for their suggestions.  I own (and enjoy) a lot of the stuff listed in that gamingforce thread, but I didn't know anything about Eric Whitacre... until now.

I listened to a few samples from his Cloudburst disc.  After hearing those, I bought the disc.  I just listened to all 14 tracks, and I have to say that I'm glad I bought it (as Smeg said I'd be).  It's a bit early to start picking favorites, but I really like "Water Night" and "Cloudburst" so far. I can't say anything negative about the other tracks, either. This kind of music... it's what I've been looking for, and I'll definitely get more of Eric's work.

So yeah, thanks again, everyone.

Smeg Oct 30, 2007

Good to hear! smile

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