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XISMZERO Nov 8, 2007

Do you have an ideal pick me up song when your day's not going well?

I do, it's the "King of King's Song" from We Love Katamari. A bombastic, theatric orchestral performance with absolutely silly, unintelligible vocals makes me happy. KATAMARI RAINBOWS!

Either that, or watching Masato Honda play the EWI... ( … ed&search=)

What's yours?

the_miker Nov 8, 2007

Without really giving this much thought, I can tell you that earlier today I was slightly annoyed at work and decided to put on my headphones for an hour or so.  In that hour I listened to a few tracks from iFUTURELIST and Sonic Rush and then I was pretty happy again.  Maybe hearing Akira Yamaoka "sing" in the CD's title track lifted my spirits?  *shrug*

Also.. tracks 28 and 29 from disc one of the Super Mario RPG OSV.  Beware the Forest's Mushrooms and Rose Town, back to back.  Instant joy! smile

I'll try to get really depressed tonight and think of more tracks.


GoldfishX Nov 8, 2007

Mostly, I try to listen to something I'm very familiar with when that happens. When I'm down, I'm not really open to new music, so I put classic Megaman or Guilty Gear or Konami Battle on and at least have a constant good thing going. Sorry to say, but those ultra-peppy Jpop songs tend to do the trick as well in that situation.

rein Nov 9, 2007

When I'm in a foul mood, I prefer to listen to music that gives voice to the disharmony and aggression that I feel.  The resonance between the music and my state of mind is mildly cathartic.

So, my pick is the aptly titled "Dancing Mad" from Final Fantasy VI.

Zane Nov 9, 2007

I usually embrace the mood that I'm in, so when I'm down I put on some sad, moody music (Ecco: Tides of Time, No Reality, Abandoner) and sink even deeper into it. Then when it passes, I let it go and listen to something else.

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