Super King Mar 5, 2006
Does anyone know if there is a soundtrack to Drill Dozer? Nintendo osts seem to be hard to keep track of. If not could someone be so kind as to rip it? I'd do it myself but I'm on a Mac.
Does anyone know if there is a soundtrack to Drill Dozer? Nintendo osts seem to be hard to keep track of. If not could someone be so kind as to rip it? I'd do it myself but I'm on a Mac.
Does anyone know if there is a soundtrack to Drill Dozer? Nintendo osts seem to be hard to keep track of. If not could someone be so kind as to rip it? I'd do it myself but I'm on a Mac.
I'm about 99.9% certain that there is no official soundtrack. Maybe it'll show up on a Nindori promo disc someday.