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Ephidel Nov 22, 2007

I've had enough of the CONSTANT delays in the VG world here in the EU. Firstly is FE:RD going to be released, next when are BWii/MOHH2/GS going to be released. Finally, Umbrella Chronicles MIGHT be delayed as well. I want as much anger focused on this thread as is humanly possible.BOTH EA AND Nintendo have not given me even HALF a reason why this keeps on happening. At this rate I'm going to go APESHIT!!! I hope I am not alone.

Qui-Gon Joe Nov 22, 2007 (edited Nov 22, 2007)

As much as my heart really does go out to European gamers for what you have to go through, what is the point of this thread?  While rambling and vaguely coherent message board rants might make you feel better, it seems to me that your time would be better spent actually sending messages to the companies themselves.

Ephidel Nov 22, 2007 (edited Nov 22, 2007)

The companies don't EVER give a reasonable response. I want to gather enough people here who want this to change and then move on over to their respective "official" forums. I'm more sensitive about this endless BULLSHIT than I am over religion ANY DAY OF THE WEEK!! You have NO idea how shit things are over here. Nintendo-europe rarely, if ever, RESPOND to e-mails nevermind tell you what you want to know. How many times am I going to have to contact the services in America to get some info on what's happening over here? It's just not good enough and I will SLAY anyone who disagrees!

absuplendous Nov 22, 2007

I understand your frustration, but even if 'organizing an uprising' was a feasible course of action, this is not the place to do it.

Amazingu Nov 23, 2007

Europe has been getting the short end of the stick since day 1, you should be used to that by now.
I started importing games in the NES era because waiting forever or not getting games at all was not an option.
There's plenty of ways of getting imported games to run on just about any console ever, so if the big companies don't want to listen, just go overseas.

Jay Nov 23, 2007

Europe does fine mostly these days. It's much better than it used to be. Most 360 games are released at the same time or very close to the US releases. It's only really Nintendo who can't be arsed getting stuff to European gamers but you really should have seen that coming after the GC. That's exactly why I got a US Wii.

Once you release that Nintendo hates you, you can deal with it and move on.

Svenlove2003 Nov 23, 2007 (edited Nov 23, 2007)

If you really want to contact some companies,just ask them,for me,why in France,for instance,only 2 out of 5 RPGs are translated.Personally,I don't give a sh.. about that,cause I almost import all my games from US,but I have MANY friends who can't speak English,and who like RPGs.I'm kinda sure Nintendo is not involved that much in that policy,because they always wanted to be "available" for everyone,but Sony is a whole different matter.I know we recently got great RPGs here such as VP Lenneth,or FF Tactics PSP,or even FF IV V VI remakes,and absolutely nothing has been translated in them,they're just the exact same version than in US,apart from the wonderful 50 hertz frame that Sony lets in most of their PS1/PS2 games...As if us poor European could own TVs that can support 60 hertz (mine's more than 10 years old,and has 60 hertz yet...).And they wonder why games don't sell as much as expected here in Europe...Dumb guys at Sony...
However,I won't join your uprising.I have so many games left for me to beat/complete,that I don't care anymore if a game is delayed.
I have a proposal: during your loooong wait,get a life,find yourself a girlfriend/boyfriend,and discover the true meaning of life.Games can wait.Life can't.

XLord007 Nov 23, 2007

Why don't you just import?  The dollar is really weak right now, so now's the time.

csK Nov 23, 2007

"If you really want to contact some companies,just ask them,for me,why in France,for instance,only 2 out of 5 RPGs are translated."

This is very true (c'est vrai wink )  Its very sad that Japanese games are very rarely translated to other languages other then English, whether in Europe, Brazil, China, etc.

Well, I guess if one is really keen should learn Japanese tongue

Sami Nov 23, 2007

Don't ask for more RPG translations, that's just going to make the situation even worse! It's because of you Frenchies and other guys that RPGs and other text-heavy games already translated into English for US aren't always released in Europe, because you guys keep asking additional translations!

Marcel Nov 23, 2007

As a Canadian newly moved to the UK, I very quickly realized that I would have to import games simply because of the outrageous prices.  A DS game here costs the same figure in pounds that it did in Canadian Dollars back home.  Screw that.

Brandon Nov 23, 2007 (edited Nov 23, 2007)

Svenlove2003 wrote:

If you really want to contact some companies,just ask them,for me,why in France,for instance,only 2 out of 5 RPGs are translated.

Probably because the French market (65 million or so in France and then something like 10-15 million between Canada, Belgium, and Switzerland) is much smaller than the English market (340 million in North America, and probably at least a hundred million in Europe). And the French-only market is even smaller (i.e., there are many native speakers of French who will buy English games if a French version isn't available), though I'm not sure by how much. How common is it for people in France to know English that well?

By the way, can you play NTSC games on a modded PAL console, or do you have to buy a North American console? Is NTSC/PAL even an issue anymore, or is there a single worldwide standard for HDTV?

Edited to add: Actually, I guess the French Canadians probably have their own market because of the unique combination of NTSC and French. Marcel: Am I correct in assuming that there are few, if any, console games released for the French-Canadian market?

Ephidel Nov 23, 2007

This country is a rip-off! FACT! I want to move to Canada and everyone else wants to move here??!? WHY?! I would import if I could afford to import, has anyone SEEN the Customs charges. It's actually cheaper to buy games when they are eventually released over here, but like I said that it VERY unlikely.

The simple truth is that ALL european branches of big-name VG developers are abysmally lazy. It is an absolute disgrace. In this day and age we should not have to put up with this. Iwata-san wants to sell to more people, then why is he not helping us. All EU branches of VG developers had better watch out, Ubisoft felt my wrath once before (Far Cry Vengeance, anyone?), NOW is the time to put an end to this once and for all. I want a group of (european) people who are willing to sign up to official forums and basically make our point known. Ubisoft shat themselves when me and one friend went ape, ALL of us have a right to see these games RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW! Ultimately if we can start a european boycott of delayed games then maybe they'll HAVE to listen.

Jay Nov 23, 2007

You'd probably have to chill a little before they'd let you into Canada.

Marcel Nov 23, 2007 (edited Nov 23, 2007)

I lived in English Canada; my French is pretty poor (notwithstanding the 'proper' pronunciation of my name.  =p).  I'm fairly certain, though, that they just get our English titles dumped upon them with the bilingual manuals that we all have. … rench.html

This article says that only 40% of the games sold in Quebec are translated into French. 

In any case, there's no border controls, so I'm sure if there are French-only games made for them, the market has already been flooded with the English version that no one bilingual buys it anyway.  If a game is delayed in Canada because of translation issues, most game stores in urban areas just get the game a day or two late by simply importing it (often by themselves via a quick drive).  Often the "Canadian" version of the game is just the American version of the game with a French cover and manual shrinkwrapped around it.

As for EU issues, let's face it: translation takes time and money and it's often not worth it for companies to translate.  Ebay, however, makes it so easy to import games and systems, that there's almost no reason to bitch.  I left my consoles at home because I'm here to study and I haven't had much time to play with my DS or PSP at the moment, so I'm not sure what the television standards are like, but getting a converter and importing a console is not the most difficult of tasks in this global world of ours.  Shipping charges may cut into your savings, but seven days is a whole lot better than seven months.

Ephidel Nov 23, 2007

It's HARDLY like EA can't afford to do it (and fast). If they can get countless Hollywood actors to do voice-overs in their games, they surely have the resources to translate and release the game quickly. Complain like me and there is a greater chance something will get done.

POST HERE : … 3&tstart=0

I'll keep posting up relevant threads and links for as many years as it takes these people to realise we will no longer tolerate this crap.

Zane Nov 23, 2007

Ephidel wrote:

I'll keep posting up relevant threads and links for as many years as it takes these people to realise we will no longer tolerate this crap.

Posting here or out on the official boards, where they really belong? Like Virtual Boot said, this really isn't the place to do such a thing.

Ephidel Nov 24, 2007

ANYWHERE with ANY RELATION to VG is a place for this! I hope to use this thread as a rally point for any people who feel the same way as me. I'll keep posting up the official forum links as well. The more people who complain, the higher the chance of something being done about this.

csK Nov 24, 2007 (edited Nov 24, 2007)

Power to you, bro.  I believe more translations are a good thing.

Edit:  Or should that be "mon frere" ? tongue

Adam Corn Nov 28, 2007

Just cleared up this thread a bit, at the point where things started getting personal towards various individuals.  Sorry for any reasonable posts that got deleted in the process.

I generally recommend to just ignore posts that feel absurd, offensive, what have you.  Or report them.  Or contact the poster directly via the forums' mail system.  Retorting publicly tends to only escalate things.

A few more general suggestions:
-Use caps sparingly, if it all.
-Don't bump threads.
-Don't take things so personally.

Oh and insulting the forums' community as a whole is probably not a good way to win sympathy or respect roll

Ephidel Nov 28, 2007

Thanks for the clean-up, now I'm using my Wii again and it takes ages to post up a single link, thanks to a lack of copy and paste. Aaarrggh, my arms are killing me!

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