You missed my point. I PICK OUT the typo because it proves my point: Romanizations are NOT very helpful. It's not natural for an English-speaker to know how to spell out a Romanized name. you mis-spell it, and suddenly you can't use this romanized version of the name to find anything (like searching on google, etc) because you typed "Yurusenai" instead of "Yurusanai."
As far as variants of fan-based translations go, to me it's not a big issue. One, it tells you what the title REALLY is (so you can understand it). Second, the variations are minor, so you can generally tell that you're talking about the same game. Of course, no "one" fan-based translation is more right than the other. But many times, a dominant name will stick, and we'll roll with it.
Easy example: Agarest Senki. "Record of Agarest War." Basically, we model the translation after "Record of Lodoss War." One could also do "Chronicle of the Agarest War," but generally, people have not done so.
If "Anata o Yurusanai" comes to the US (which I sort of doubt), of course it won't be "I Won't Forgive You." It might be "Unforgiven" or something like that, or they might just throw on some completely different name. But I'd rather know what the heck I'm talking about when I reference "Anata o Yurusanai," wouldn't you?
That's all I'm saying. And I side with Bernhardt because he's a good dude. Sometimes. 