JasonMalice Dec 9, 2007
Okay, so I love Beyond Oasis/ The Story of Thor.
And more-so, I love its music. Great Yuzo Koshiro stuff here.
Has anyone played Legend of Oasis? I never have.
How is the music? Was there a sountrack?
Okay, so I love Beyond Oasis/ The Story of Thor.
And more-so, I love its music. Great Yuzo Koshiro stuff here.
Has anyone played Legend of Oasis? I never have.
How is the music? Was there a sountrack?
I dunno about a soundtrack, but most Saturn games contain CDDA music. If you can't find a copy of the game, someone's probably ripped the audio somewhere.
The music for this game is on the Yuzo Koshiro Best Collection vol.1 that was released back in June of this year: http://www.gmronline.com/info.asp?CatNumber=VGCD-0081
I never owned the game but I remember playing it back when I had the Sega Channel back in the day. It was pretty fun. The music was pretty good as well.
The music for this game is on the Yuzo Koshiro Best Collection vol.1 that was released back in June of this year: http://www.gmronline.com/info.asp?CatNumber=VGCD-0081
I never owned the game but I remember playing it back when I had the Sega Channel back in the day. It was pretty fun. The music was pretty good as well.
He was saying he wanted the music for Legend of Oasis, the Saturn game, which is a prequel of Beyond Oasis on Genesis. The music to Beyond Oasis ("The Story of Thor") is the stuff on Yuzo's Best Vol. 1.
Anyway though, can I get a hell yeah for Sega Channel? I remember playing Beyond Oasis on there as well. That's also how I discovered Light Crusader, another great action RPG with incredible music! I think it had a 30 minute time limit or something because it was a "pre-release" you could play before it hit stores. I remember playing it on Sega Channel a few times then buying the game as soon as it came out.
bishop743 wrote:The music for this game is on the Yuzo Koshiro Best Collection vol.1 that was released back in June of this year: http://www.gmronline.com/info.asp?CatNumber=VGCD-0081
I never owned the game but I remember playing it back when I had the Sega Channel back in the day. It was pretty fun. The music was pretty good as well.
He was saying he wanted the music for Legend of Oasis, the Saturn game, which is a prequel of Beyond Oasis on Genesis. The music to Beyond Oasis ("The Story of Thor") is the stuff on Yuzo's Best Vol. 1.
Anyway though, can I get a hell yeah for Sega Channel? I remember playing Beyond Oasis on there as well. That's also how I discovered Light Crusader, another great action RPG with incredible music! I think it had a 30 minute time limit or something because it was a "pre-release" you could play before it hit stores. I remember playing it on Sega Channel a few times then buying the game as soon as it came out.
oh I see. Thanks for the correction. For some reason, I thought they were all different titles for the same game. My bad.
Yeah, the Sega Channel was awesome. It gave me a chance to play a lot of great games I probably wouldn't have even touched back then. It was definitely ahead of it's time.
I found the music, but uh.. I don't think you wanna hear it. A lot of Saturn games use redbook audio, as Smeg said, but this one doesn't. If you're really brave, you can attempt to get a feel for the music by getting the SSFs (like PSFs, but for Saturn) here..
ftp://ftp.modland.com/pub/modules/Satur … 0Thor%202/
and then using this..
to play them. Beware though, the SSF format is far from being as perfected as the PSF format.
I downloaded Niki's rip of The Story of Thor 2 a while ago. The notes for the release are interesting:
Composed by the famous Yuzo Koshiro and even being one of his best works, according to me at least, the music
from The Story of Thor 2 was never officialy released for sale. There are records on the web showing that a
self-produced CD was released by Ancient surely mostly for their own archiving needs, but I believe a few
copies made it to some fans collections. Some of the few infos can be found at Ancient's site itself [http://www.ancient.co.jp/thor.html].Reasons for the fact it was never released could be it's uncommon nature. No loops, no main themes, no or few
event music... In fact, the musical atmosphere in SoT2 involves a lot of silence. You'll walk around and a
music will suddenly fade-in depending on where you are, play and then be followed by another silence. The songs
themselves aren't conventionaly composed, as they progressively evolve without ever repeating themselves, much like
some classical music pieces. Some of the songs, like the Wind Shrine theme, actually makes you think of classical
symphonies.Sadly, it is saturn ADX audio compressed at it's worse, and the sound quality is of course damaged by it. The thing
is it was one of the first games for the Saturn and they were probably still experimenting with the sound processor.
Ah well... Still another great work by Yuzo Koshiro. ^_^
So after Ancient created a limited number of CD-Rs featuring the game's music mostly for archive purposes, Koshiro proudly handed out a number of them to fans. Track listings for this CD-R below:
01) Village of Aquaria
02) Shrine of Water
03) The Servant of the Demon
04) Acquisition of the Elementals
05) Shrine of Flame
06) Forest on the Earth
07) Shrine of Darkness
08) Shrine of Wind
09) Region of the Demon
10) Tower of the Demon
11) Foursome of Boss
12) Ending
So after Ancient created a limited number of CD-Rs featuring the game's music mostly for archive purposes, Koshiro proudly handed out a number of them to fans.
Nice! I did not know that. I love learning new things about VGM.
More info, including cover art, here:
http://homepage2.nifty.com/tkdate/ysmus … _thor.html
Anybody have a rip of the actual CD-R?
I found the music, but uh.. I don't think you wanna hear it. A lot of Saturn games use redbook audio, as Smeg said, but this one doesn't. If you're really brave, you can attempt to get a feel for the music by getting the SSFs (like PSFs, but for Saturn) here..
ftp://ftp.modland.com/pub/modules/Satur … 0Thor%202/
and then using this..
to play them. Beware though, the SSF format is far from being as perfected as the PSF format.
I didn't know SSF was alive. I remember Corlett making an initial spec, a beta plugin and a couple demo SSFs and that was the last I heard of it.
Anybody have a rip of the actual CD-R?
That would be great.
I cannot get the SSF player to work anyway.
I didn't know SSF was alive.
Kingshriek revived it. Currently the main issues is that Corlett seems not to be willing to update his plug-in with the latest fixes so the only decent SSF player atm is an innofficial hack mixing Highly Theoretical and Audio Overload as a KBMedia Player plug-in (can be found on Kingshriek's SSF page), all other SSF players have major issues (though the version 2.0b9 of Audio Overload should be up to speed as well as all fixes go also into their SDK).
Didn't Koshiro actually post the music from the CDR or whatever on the Ancient homepage at some point? Back when he also had stuff like some of the original Car Battler Joe music before it got downgraded to work on GBA. And they had an English forum I made a fool of myself on.
But I think that's all gone now.... ;_;