Well, the fact it was £200 on launch day says a lot. The amount of tax is astronomical in the UK in particular. I really mean it when I say that you guys, in the states, have it much better/easier than we do, in Europe, I'm saying that because I believe it's true.
I'm part irish myself, but the typical irishman jokes don't offend me. Why does it not surprise me when stereotypical irish guy sells Wii for £1,000,000! Sounds like a deal and a half!
Brawl is probably (I'm guessing) going to get a May release at earliest, but that's still roughly 3 months behind the states. People keep saying a delay hasn't been announced, what they forget is a delay hasn't been denied and Brawl has not been announced on either the Q1 or Q2 provisional release lists yet Mario Kart is. Methinks NoE are prepping for a humongous let-down. No amount of smoke and mirrors (new-flashy site/star points to wii points) is going to either cover-up or soften the blow of another delay for Brawl.