Angela wrote:I vaguely recall me liking that one BGM stage with the big toy store in the backdrop. Tell me that's one of the remixes. ^_^
It's the first remix featured, in fact! (the original's included, too.) It's the only theme that isn't jazzy and stays closer to the original, actually. I was hoping that that theme ("Toy House"), the ski resort theme, and the Chinese market theme would get remixed, but only Toy Store got the treatment. The others are the spooky outside place (with Jon Talbain in the background, generally looks like Morrigan's Vampire Savior stage), Demitri's castle stage, and the fireplace room stage.
Also, the four remixes are bookended by brief "Hello" and "Good-bye" pieces, the former of which sounds like a radio being tuned, and the latter sounds like an old record player playing a short piano jingle. They don't refer to Capcom tunes inasmuch as I can tell.
I played through Pocket Fighter to remember where some of the songs played... not my favorite fighter by any means, but it sure has a lot of charm.