Thats pretty whack... sellers trying to rip off Westerners who don't know how cheap this stuff can be found. Well, at least its not a bootleg.
There was (is) this crazy guy on eBay who was just charging stupid prices for a lot of items. I think he was selling a new Chrono Trigger OSV for ~$300, for example. But what blew me away was that he was selling the Super Metroid NP poster for $50 (calling it a store-only special, yea right)! I mean, they're not BAD posters, but seriously? And it was ripped at the bottom to boot! I emailed him about it and didn't get any reply, wonder why? But then again, I remember checking him not too long ago and he had a sealed Kirby's Dream Course for a reasonable price, so maybe he's reformed.
EDIT: OK, so maybe not so reasonable. Its at $170, which, well, yea, its sealed and all, but I still feel that in an actual auction it wouldn't reach that high. Also, it seems a Super Metroid NP poster is selling for $20 (and going), so perhaps I've underestimated how rare the Nintendo Powers have become. Man, I sold several years worth of them (only five-six years ago, tops) for a total of $50!! Well there you go. Frankly, its really not all that nice of a poster, I mean, I love Super Metroid too, but come on... its just Samus blowing up some non-descript wall!