Vaeran Jan 27, 2008 (edited Jan 27, 2008)
Lock em in now for bragging rights later! Here's mine:
1. Opening ~ Bombing Mission (FF7) At least I know I'll get one right! :D I bet it'll be the first track, too.
2. Fight 2 (FF4) There's gotta be at least one FF4 song on here due to FF4DS, and this is the one to do.
3. Battle 2 (FF3)
4. The Fierce Battle (FF5) FFV has gotten one measly track out of two albums so far, so I think this is its chance to shine.
5. The Decisive Battle (FF5)
6. Those Who Fight (FF7) Only one FF7 battle theme left to do! Might as well finish 'er off.
7. Balamb Garden (FF8) Sure, call me crazy. But listen to the background of the TBM2 promo interview video and you can hear an arrangement of this.
8. The Extreme (FF8)
9. The Messenger of Ruin (FF9)
10. Final Battle (FF9)
11. Golbeza, Clad in the Dark (FF4) I CAN DREAM.
There will be no vocal tracks this time around.
A number of the tracks will have to be renamed due to overly-similar names (like "Battle 1" becoming "The Rocking Grounds" on TBM2). One of the two FF9 tracks will get the "Darkness and Starlight" honor, probably "Final Battle" since it's generic.
As for the planned second disc with the Japanese mythology-inspired tracks, it's tough to say. It seems unlikely at the 2800 yen price tag, but I can't think what else would have gotten this album delayed for so long. I'll say it's in there but fairly short, maybe ~25 minutes' worth.
So, whatcha got?