allyourbaseare Feb 12, 2008
So I graduated from UNLV last winter with my bachelor's degree in electrical engineering with a minor in mathematics, or at least I thought I graduated.
Turns out I was missing 3 "International" credits (Music 121, Econ 190, or any foreign language class) which, when filling out my application for graduation, everyone had overlooked. I mean EVERYone. When you apply for graduation, the registrar's office has to review the courses you've taken to make sure you've met the prerequesites for graduation. Then it gets sent over to your major's office, who then have 2 or 3 people sign it and send it back to the graduation office to be processed. Once all this is taken care of, you're able to walk down the aisle, turn your tassle, all that fun stuff.
In any case, I received a letter from UNLV on the 15th of January stating that I was missing 3 International credits and my graduation was on hold. Now this wouldn't have been such a big deal if I hadn't started working for the local power company on the basis that I did graduate. In fact, they sent me a letter stating that if I did not meet the requirements for graduation by the end of January, they'd have to rescond the offer to me.
Oh, did I mention that my wife quit her job and that meant that I was to be the sole support of the family?
I felt like this was their mistake and that I shouldn't be punished for it. Naturally I fought this tooth and nail. There was a petition in my name to have Music 125 (History of Rock 'n Roll, which I took my freshman year of college) substituted for Music 121 (Music Appreciation). In the meantime they had me sign up for Music 121 even though it cost close to $600 after taxes and books. Here's the problem with that: there's no way I can get all of my money back even if they approved the petition due to time constraints. If anything, I'll get $250 back. What a joke.
In any case, the meeting to review the petition was last friday (2/8) and they finally let me know the results today. I'm now officially a graduate (again) and can continue working at my job with no reprocussions. I feel like I've have a HUGE weight lifted off my shoulders. All this runaround just for 3 lousy credits. It's not like they were even applicable to my major.
tl;dr - I jump through hoops to make sure I graduate on time, get the okay from UNLV, only to have it taken back later which forced me to fight UNLV to my prevail. My life begins again.
Sorry for the long rant everyone, I just had to get it off my chest. I got the call this morning and I swear it's like the sun coming out after a long torrential rain.