Zane Feb 18, 2008
Finally, something about SSBB that intrigues me.
Finally, something about SSBB that intrigues me.
If this were Sega related (which, since Sonic is in it I suppose it could be) UK:R would be all over this.
So I guess Nintendo's really trying to reach out to those adult audiences, eh? Granny panties 'n all...
/let's not forget, Nintendo is still Japan-oriented
//inventors and upholders of upskirt fetishism
///does not exclude granny panties
3D figure in a dress. It really couldn't have been avoided, honestly!
This reminds me how "impressed" I was - by the animation, obviously - when Taki's (Soul Blade) and Tiffany's (Rival Schools) breasts bounced around in their victory poses in those games - 1997, 1998 respectively. Dead or Alive is like full blown porn compared to that now.
Yeah, that's it, the animation - (I'm a dirty birdy)