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Zane Feb 20, 2008

Well, it's been a while since I've made one of these threads, and I figured now would be as good a time as any to see if people would be interested in getting them going again. Post if it's something you'd like to keep up with!

Jet Set Radio Future

Unfortunately, I haven't heard too many J soundtracks, but Nakanuma's JSRF has always stuck with me. Between great tunes like "I Love Love You", the original "Teknopathetic" and some JSR remixes, this is a pretty tight disc.

Runner up? Uh... Jet Set Radio Because, you know. It's Nakanuma and it begins with a "J". Obviously I am very inspired this afternoon. Exciting letter, I know, I know. I can't wait until "Q".

TerraEpon Feb 20, 2008

Jikkyo Oshaberi Parodius of course.

Followed by Jets 'n' Guns.


Ashley Winchester Feb 20, 2008

Justice High School Legion of Heroes Original Soundtrack

Setsuo Yamamoto's work on here is pretty good... it doesn't break any new ground but it's rather different for a Capcom fighter. The tracks for Sunshine (Taiyo) High School are awesome and the seedy feel of those for Evil (Gedo) High School are very catchy.

Pacific's High school's "In Front of Pacific High School's Back Gate" is really good to. I really dislike the tracks for Five Rings (Gorin) high school since they seem too stereotypical for a sports school.

The booklet for this disc is pretty interesting though, listing some of Yamamoto's favorite bands, among them: Prince, Deep Purple, and Van Halen. It also list some of the other soundtracks he worked on.

The album also comes with a mock student ID; I though that was pretty clever.

orion_mk3 Feb 20, 2008 (edited Feb 20, 2008)

Gonna have to go with Jazz Jackrabbit 2; Alex Brandon's always good in a pinch. I'd put Jazz 3D as number two, but it was canceled (even though the music is available and awesome).

Crash Feb 20, 2008

Hmmm...which JDK Band album do I choose?  I'm going to have to go with the first JDK Band.  The first five tracks are all winners, and Heroes Emblem is pretty fly as well.

BlindMonk Feb 20, 2008

Jet Moto 2 is still pretty lively, rocking the raceways and getting those toes tapping.

XLord007 Feb 20, 2008 (edited Feb 20, 2008)

Ok, first off: Zane, my friend, it's Naganuma, with a "g."

Anyway, my favoriate "J" soundtracks are:

-Jet Set Radio Future Original Soundtrack
-Jet Set Radio Original Soundtrack
-Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Ougon no Kaze Original Soundtrack

SonicPanda Feb 20, 2008

Jumping Flash! (1 &) 2 OST. Early CD-system soundtracks had the blessing of freedom to experiment before the old ways of melody-centric composition became more exception than rule. There's a kinetic energy and diversity of style to JF's music that other soundtracks, even those aspiring for a similar kind of whimsy, can barely reach.

Plus, Takeo Miratsu deserves better than to be remembered only for Legend of Dragoon.

Zane Feb 20, 2008

XLord007 wrote:

Ok, first off: Zane, my friend, it's Naganuma, with a "g."

Whoops. wink

GoldfishX Feb 20, 2008

Crash wrote:

Hmmm...which JDK Band album do I choose?  I'm going to have to go with the first JDK Band.  The first five tracks are all winners, and Heroes Emblem is pretty fly as well.

Yeah, probably a toss between this and Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball Stadium (the first one). Loves me some Jets N'Guns (Death from Above) and MS's original stuff is excellent to boot. I can make a decent case for the JDK Band 3...It's one of the best VGM vocal albums around, I think.

And Journey to Silius...The title screen and Stage 1 themes alone are enough to make this soundtrack godly.

Amazingu Feb 21, 2008

It hasn't had an official OST release, but Jet Force Gemini owns ALL.
ALL I tell you!

Angela Feb 21, 2008

Crash wrote:

Hmmm...which JDK Band album do I choose?  I'm going to have to go with the first JDK Band

Wouldn't the JDK Band albums technically go under "F", though?  After all, it is "Falcom JDK Band." 

That said, I would go with JDK Band 3: Falcom Vocal Special myself.  The first half's selection is far better than the last half, though.  "Turn It Up" still manages to kick inordinate amount of ass.

Rimo Feb 21, 2008

Most of those named so far are certainly awesome. I'll add one more to the list, which is probably my favorite out of Chris Hülsbeck's works: Jim Power

Jodo Kast Feb 21, 2008

1. Jackal from Konami on the NES

2. Jurassic Park on the SNES

Those above are the names of games, not albums.

If album names are considered, then J.D.K. Band 1 is my favorite.

Also, Jet de GO! 2 is good, but only because of the Midnight Landing remix.

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