Zane Feb 28, 2008
Has anyone checked this out? I'm thinking about getting it, but I'm on the fence.
Has anyone checked this out? I'm thinking about getting it, but I'm on the fence.
By all means, go get it. It gets a little repetitive at times, but the sheer amount of charm that the game has makes up for it.
its like a cross between katamari and teletubbies...
I found it to be lovely looking with great music and tons of charm. And little to no gameplay.
Cute overload. Seriously, if you don't like overly cute stuff you WILL hate it.
It's a very fun little game, and harder than it looks, too.
I've only played an in-store demo, and I thought it was ok, nothing special. I didn't mind paying $10 for it when I had the chance, though I doubt I'd pay much more than that.