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Adoru Feb 28, 2008 (edited Feb 28, 2008)

Yeah, so of these current generation home and portable consoles; Xbox 360, Wii, Playstation 3, Nintendo DS, PSP, which do you own? Feel free to express why you still don't have the others. I just received my Xbox 360 Pro today, which means I've got all of them, which in turn made me wonder if I was the only one. So, am I all alone?

Edit: Oh and if anyone wants to be my "friend", my username for both the PS3 and 360 is Adoru26. I'm not sure if there's a use to having friends since I don't play online much but... Team Fortress 2 rocks.

Qui-Gon Joe Feb 28, 2008

Wii, DS, and PSP for me.  I'd have a 360 by now if I were working, and a PS3 is probably going to find its way into my home eventually for upscaling PS2 games.  Now if only they'd make anything new for it that I want.

Ashley Winchester Feb 28, 2008 (edited Feb 28, 2008)

None, I'm done with games for the most part. Gaming has never been an inexpensive hobby but I can't justify spending the money when it takes a lot of effort to even start playing a game enough to get into it.

If I were to get a new system it be a DS because I would want a handheld and the PSP has a lot of stuff I played a few generations ago and recently sold off. Also, $40 for a game is a lot nicer than $60.

Brandon Feb 28, 2008

Just the Wii. There's really nothing I want on either of the Sony systems, and as much as I want to play Beautiful Katamari, it doesn't justify buying a 360 at the current price point. I'll probably get a DS in the next few months, though.

Idolores Feb 29, 2008

I've got a Wii, 360, and a DS (Lite). Might be getting a PS3 if those rumors of a third ZOE title comes to fruition (and I realize that's a big "if").

GoldfishX Feb 29, 2008 (edited Feb 29, 2008)

It's funny...I keep going back and forth between a 360, but there's the realization of how little I want on it. I wish Rock Band was just its' own seperate console, because that's the only thing I want on it. Even with the money I made from my sale, I don't really know if the 360 is worth the expense for one game (plus a few others I wouldn't mind keeping up on, but am not super-excited about). Why couldn't you fuckers just make PS2 RB support DLC? Be curious if they find a way to make custom RB songs, like they do with GH.

Don't know if I'd get a Wii for myself at this point, but still keeping an eye out for my mom.

And PS3?

*Dais mode*


*end Dais mode*

csK Feb 29, 2008

None... but I want a DS.

Though they'e still making PS2 and GBA games, so I'm SORT of modern wink

Amazingu Feb 29, 2008

Still a hardcore (if the use of that word is still allowed these days) gamer after, oh, 25 years or something.
So I have a Wii, 360 and a DS.

The PSP was looking attractive for awhile, then I heard that most of the interesting games are coming to PS2, so I decided not to get one anyway. Still, it's bound to become real cheap in a couple of years, so I'll probably get one then for the exclusives. FFVIICC looks nice enough.

As for PS3, just waiting for the Japanese MGS4 bundle, so I'll probably get that.

longhairmike Feb 29, 2008

ive read that the 80gig ps3 has backward compatibility problems with MANY games,, and that sony's response was that they care more about developing more ps3 games than fixing the isuue.

ill stick with my wii and ps2 until then...  and the DS for my breaktime at work...

longhairmike Feb 29, 2008

Brandon wrote: much as I want to play Beautiful Katamari, it doesn't justify buying a 360

i was sooooooo pissed off when i learned they switched consoles for this!

Ashley Winchester Feb 29, 2008

longhairmike wrote:

ive read that the 80gig ps3 has backward compatibility problems with MANY games,, and that sony's response was that they care more about developing more ps3 games than fixing the isuue.

Actually, isn't it up to the companies that produced the games to make such patches? If that is so, where is the incentive? If I'm a developer wouldn't I rather make the game a download on the VC or Live and make more money on a previously released game than allow ppl to play the copy they currently have?

As it's been said I'd just keep a PS2 around to play them (of course the upscaling on HD TVs is still an issue) but if that's the case I'd just keep an older TV around for it.

Jay Feb 29, 2008

Everything but the PS3. I would have been very tempted by Wipeout HD but WO Pulse is really buggy and, while the game itself is good, the bugs sour the entire experience. The devs have a quality control issue and I have no reason to think HD will be any different.

But, being honest, most of the time my Wii and 360 gather dust. I just don't have time for them.

Sabreman Feb 29, 2008

I have a 360 and a PS3. The 360 gets the most use by far, I switch it on every day without fail for something or other, whether it be a few rounds on Virtua Fighter or a couple of races in Forza, or a nice long session with Lost Odyssey. Add to those a great selection of Live Arcade games and I'm very well served by the machine.

The PS3 is mainly used as a Blu-Ray player, but I do play quite a bit of Everyday Shooter and Super Stardust. Gran Turismo 5 will be the next full price game I buy for it.

I did have a Wii for a short while, but it literally was purely to play through Mario Galaxy. Nothing else about the machine or its software appeals to me.

I've owned several DS and PSP consoles, but I've now resigned myself to the fact that I simply don't enjoy handheld gaming much at all. I know I'm pretty unique in this respect.

csK Feb 29, 2008

Jay wrote:

I would have been very tempted by Wipeout HD but WO Pulse is really buggy and, while the game itself is good, the bugs sour the entire experience.

Damn, really?  I thought the quality control had stepped up from the "falling through tracks" madness of Fusion.

BlindMonk Feb 29, 2008

I give it a few years or more before I start amassing consoles.  I fully expect to own the lot of them once prices are down and quality titles are too numerous to list.

SonicPanda Mar 1, 2008

I've a DS and a Wii myself, while my brother-in-law has a 360 I have access to if I want it.
Sort of interested in PSP, but mainly for the novelty of having Chrono Trigger and FF7 on the same storage device.
PS3, well...I want PS2 compatability, HDMI cables, and a Dual Shock 3 all in the same SKU before I consider it.

Ryu Mar 1, 2008

SonicPanda wrote:

I've a DS and a Wii myself, while my brother-in-law has a 360 I have access to if I want it.
Sort of interested in PSP, but mainly for the novelty of having Chrono Trigger and FF7 on the same storage device.
PS3, well...I want PS2 compatability, HDMI cables, and a Dual Shock 3 all in the same SKU before I consider it.

I don't know about the HDMI cables, but how about PS2 compatibility, a Dualshock 3, and Metal Gear Solid 4?  Because that's the bundle come June 12.

To answer the poll question, I have all 5.  The PSP is the biggest waste of money yet, but I might whistle a different tune after playing through the FFT remake... whenever I get around to it.

Jay Mar 1, 2008

csK wrote:

Damn, really?  I thought the quality control had stepped up from the "falling through tracks" madness of Fusion.

Well in my opinion, it's a far, far better game than Fusion. It's much like Pure. But there are sound bugs, incorrect race time glitches, your ship can get stuck upside-down and a habit of crashing completely seemed to build up the more I played it leading to me spending more time waiting for it to load up than actually play. Ruined the experience of what otherwise was a good game.

But the US release was considerably after the EU release so it's possible many of those were fixed for US release. I know one of the race time glitches definitely was. Nice to know I paid to bug test the game.

So, yeah, quality control was still very much an issue.

XLord007 Mar 2, 2008 (edited Mar 2, 2008)

I have three: DS (both Fat and Lite), Wii, and PSP.  The Wii gets the most use, followed by the DS.  The PSP I only touch occasionally since I finished Dracula X.

The only thing keeping me from buying a 360 at this point is that it's just a bad value proposition.  I'm really irritated that it doesn't come with built-in WiFi (the only current gen system not to have it), and I think it's shitty that the only hard drive configs are 20 or 120.  Why is there no middle ground?  $450 is way too much to pay for no WiFi and no Blu-Ray.  I'd pickup a 360 in a heartbeat if it had built-in WiFi and the 120 GB HD for $400.  I don't think the current $350 20 GB model is worth paying more than $250 for.

As for PS3, I think the 40 GB PS3 for $400 is a reasonable deal since it has Blu-Ray and WiFi, but all of the games suck, so there's no reason for me to get it.  As I mentioned in another thread, I'll probably pickup the $500 MGS4 bundle, but I'm likely to return it after beating the game.

PerfectZer0 Mar 3, 2008 (edited Mar 3, 2008)

I only have a 360.  It rocks.  Games I have.

Lost Odyssey
Mass Effect
Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation
Condemned: Criminal Origins
Rainbow Six: Vegas
Gears of War
Kameo: Elements of Power
Perfect Dark Zero
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion+all expansions
Halo 3
Far Cry Instincts: Predator
Dead Rising
Marvel Ultimate Alliance
Ninety Nine Nights
Phantasy Star Universe
Moto GP '06
WarTech: Senko no Ronde
Call of Duty 2
Call of Duty 4
Splinter Cell: Double Agent
Eternal Sonata
Assassins Creed

Ryu Mar 3, 2008

PerfectZer0 wrote:

I only have a 360.  It rocks.  Games I have.

Lost Odyssey
Mass Effect
Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation
Condemned: Criminal Origins
Rainbow Six: Vegas
Gears of War
Kameo: Elements of Power
Perfect Dark Zero
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion+all expansions
Halo 3
Far Cry Instincts: Predator
Dead Rising
Marvel Ultimate Alliance
Ninety Nine Nights
Phantasy Star Universe
Moto GP '06
WarTech: Senko no Ronde
Call of Duty 2
Call of Duty 4
Splinter Cell: Double Agent
Eternal Sonata
Assassins Creed

Agreed about the system rocking... and wow do you have more games than me!  Of the ones you've listed, I own Mass Effect, Ace Combat 6, Dead Rising, Marvel Ultimate Alliance (yay for DLC!), and an unopened copy of Splinter Cell:  Double Agent.  I've played through Bioshock, Crackdown, Condemned, Gears of War, Far Cry Instincts:  Predator, Ninety Nine Nights (which I hated with an outright passion), Call of Duty 2 and 4 (and 3, which I'm curious why you didn't list), and Assassin's Creed.  I tried Eternal Sonata, but didn't get far into it.  I also own Burnout Revenge, Guitar Hero II and III, Hitman Blood Money, Overlord, and Rock Band, not counting a lot of XBLA games.  I'd like to give Lost Odyssey a shot (what's with the Jefferson Airplane song playing during its commercial?) and Halo 3 is on the way from Gamefly.  I'm thoroughly impressed with it!

Ephidel Mar 3, 2008

I have a Wii. And Brawl has now been delayed "until fall" according to Reggie Fils-Aime! Great.

My Wii games are :

Wii Sports,
Wii Play,
The Legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess,
Red Steel,
Metal Slug Anthology,
Resident Evil 4 : Wii Edition,
Mario Party 8,
Medal of Honor : Vanguard,
The Godfather : Blackhand Edition,
Scarface : The World is Yours,
Super Paper Mario,
Metroid Prime 3 : Corruption,
Super Mario Galaxy,
Resident Evil : The Umbrella Chronicles,
Link's Crossbow Training,
Excite Truck,
Ghost Squad,
Medal of Honor : Heroes 2,
Battalion Wars 2.

I'll be getting Fire Emblem : Radiant Dawn and Star Trek Conquest on the 14th. I've also started an official boycott of Mario Kart Wii in protest over Brawl! It seems once you have a reputation, people are far more willing to open their ears!

I'll be getting a DS in April and BOTH of the Pokémon games, BOTH of the Castlevania games, BOTH of the Advance Wars games and Mario and Luigi : Partners in Time are the first games I intend to get. I always said that if they bring out a Fire Emblem game for the DS, then, and only then, would I buy one. It seems that with the new FE game in the works for the DS (yes, I know it's a remake) my original statement held a certain degree of foresight! Well, I just wish FE games were given the publicity they deserve!

Ryu Mar 3, 2008

Ephidel, you have way more than me (nine), and we have a lot of similar games... which isn't surprising.  The only two I own that you don't are Elebits and Harvey Birdman.

Congrats on getting a DS next month too!  Thanks to the aforementioned Harvey Birdman, I now own all 4 Ace Attorney games, and on the fourth case of the first one.  I recommend New Super Mario Bros, Super Princess Peach, and Tetris, if you like platformers and a classic puzzle game.

Hm, remake of which Fire Emblem on the DS?

Megavolt Mar 3, 2008

None of them.  Xbox 360 looks like it has the strongest library, but I'm afraid of the whole '1 in 3 will break' thing.  If someone wants to assure me that those findings are exaggerated, please do.  Or tell me if Microsoft has reduced the failure rate in some way.  If I ever get a Wii, it'll be because of Brawl, but I must admit that I feel kind of underwhelmed by the videos that I've seen.  It looks more like an expansion pack of Melee than a true update/upgrade on the series.

Crash Mar 3, 2008

DS + PSP + PS3.  Of the three, the PS3 gets the most use (primarily to play PS2 games).  The other two are for the bus rides to and from work.

Ryu Mar 3, 2008

Megavolt wrote:

None of them.  Xbox 360 looks like it has the strongest library, but I'm afraid of the whole '1 in 3 will break' thing.  If someone wants to assure me that those findings are exaggerated, please do.  Or tell me if Microsoft has reduced the failure rate in some way.  If I ever get a Wii, it'll be because of Brawl, but I must admit that I feel kind of underwhelmed by the videos that I've seen.  It looks more like an expansion pack of Melee than a true update/upgrade on the series.

I googled and came up with 16% according to Squaretrade, which is less than the 30% Gizmodo claimed.

This link has a breakdown: … e-Rate-16/

Gizmodo has a rumor that the new chipset has a fail rate of 10%: … 10-percent

Obviously, Microsoft is not going to come clean on its failure rates, so I don't think anyone can assure you, but if the above rumor is true, then Microsoft has reduced the failure rates with the new chipsets, which run cooler.

Jay Mar 3, 2008

Still way too high. I think I read that there's an even newer chipset being released that brings that way lower. But it's crazy how many 360s fail. Should never happen.

That said, for me personally, I think it has the strongest line-up of the 'sit at home' consoles by a long way. I'm just lucky mine hasn't died or had problems. But then I so rarely play it so maybe I haven't put it to the test.

absuplendous Mar 3, 2008

I just have a DS; as I'm sure I'd mentioned before, I'll get a Wii as soon as it comes in black. I'm certain that if I just gave up and bought one, they'd announce the black model a month later (kind of like how the SP was announced a month after I got my GBA). I know there are skins and shells available, but they generally don't appeal to me...

More importantly, the other two home consoles and the PSP don't have enough games I'm personally interested in to justify their costs. A few, sure, but not enough just yet. The DS has been a godsend, though, fantastic library.

allyourbaseare Mar 3, 2008

Wow, I didn't know the DS and PSP were next-gen systems.  Guess they are though.

I've got everything except for the 360.  There's about 4 games I want to play on it (not including all the delicious SHMUP's they keep releasing on XBLA) but the RROD just keeps me from going out and buying the damn system. 

The PS3 gets most of my time right now mostly because of PixelJunk Monsters and Rogue Galaxy.  It's the 80 gig PS3 (I had a chance to buy the 60, but my wife convinced me that a game and more space was worth it.  I dunno...)

I just put Cave Story on the PSP so now that's getting alot more playtime wink  Of course, once FFVII:CC comes out, I'll be busy playing that as well.

As far as the Wii, I'm waiting for SSBB and that's it.  There's a couple of other games I have yet to play on it, but I'm in the mood for a good RPG right now and the Wii doesn't seem to have any (and no, Fire Emblem does not count).

Jay Mar 3, 2008

allyourbaseare wrote:

Wow, I didn't know the DS and PSP were next-gen systems.

They're current gen.

Angela Mar 3, 2008

Two DS Lites, an original model PSP, a Wii..... and technically, a PS3.  That is, the PS3 I have is on loan from a friend, until I get my own. 

My Lites always get the most play time, with staple faves like Contra 4, New SMB, Ouendan, and the Ace Attorney games -- as well as recent aquisitions like Bleach: Blade of Fate, Professor Layton, and Advance Wars: Days of Ruin.  PSP hasn't been getting much of a workout lately, though I'll fire up a game of Virtua Tennis, Paradius Portable, Twinbee Portable, or DJ Max Portable every once in a while.  I'm thinking the upcoming Crisis Core may turn out to be good, and I still need to pick up Patapon.  Once Super Mario Galaxy wrapped up, the Wii hasn't been getting a whole lot of playtime, save for a few brief sessions of pick-up-and-play VC games like Gate/Lords of Thunder.  I expect I'll be dabbling with Brawl for a while, but the only other title I find myself frequenting back to with relished glee is Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition.  It continues to remain indelibly awesome, and when I get started in on it..... boy, I can play the game for hours on end. 

As awesome as some of the 360's library looks, my budget is only going to allow for one current-gen purchase at the moment -- and that's obviously going to be the one that's touting Metal Gear Solid 4.  I'm actually still comtemplating whether to get the 40GB or the 80GB PS3 Dual Shock 3/MGS4 bundle pack.  I like the idea of the more power-efficient and quieter-running 40GB, especially when running Blu-ray movies, but the 80GB is the better value when taking the individual components into consideration.

Ryu wrote:

Thanks to the aforementioned Harvey Birdman, I now own all 4 Ace Attorney games, and on the fourth case of the first one.

Good man!  Great to see you've had a change of heart for the series.

Zane Mar 3, 2008 (edited Mar 3, 2008)

Angela wrote:

PSP hasn't been getting much of a workout lately ... and I still need to pick up Patapon.

Patapon will give your PSP some usage. I'm surprised you haven't checked it out yet! You will be hearing pata pata pata pon in your sleep...

Ephidel Mar 4, 2008

Ryu wrote:

Ephidel, you have way more than me (nine), and we have a lot of similar games... which isn't surprising.  The only two I own that you don't are Elebits and Harvey Birdman.

Congrats on getting a DS next month too!  Thanks to the aforementioned Harvey Birdman, I now own all 4 Ace Attorney games, and on the fourth case of the first one.  I recommend New Super Mario Bros, Super Princess Peach, and Tetris, if you like platformers and a classic puzzle game.

Hm, remake of which Fire Emblem on the DS?

Haven't you heard about the FE remake? I think it's of the very first FE game that was a Japan only release.

I was thinking about buying House of the Dead 2 & 3 The Return. Then I watched some Youtube videos, then I decided against the idea. Too cheesy and too....... Sega! Zombie games should be a sight more realistic like Resident Evil. Money shall be better spent on a DS and games.

Has anyone heard about this Resi 0 re-release that now is only happening in Japan? Basically it's a port with waggle. Pointless and short-sighted, Capcom would be smarter to REmake Resi 2 & 3 for the Wii which might make up for the lack of Resi 5 on a Nintendo console.

I was thinking of getting a 360 solely for some great 3rd Party games like Splinter Cell, Rainbow Six, Hitman..... you catch my drift. Yet, I'll probably be waiting until Xmas before I can scrape the cash together.

Best Xbox 360 deals anyone?

Adoru Mar 4, 2008

I bought my Xbox 360 Pro for $350 last week at I guess I don't mind a small hard drive, and they were giving Bioshock away with it. I also grabbed Kameo Elements of Power for $10, and Lost Odyssey. Went ahead and bought Blue Dragon on ebay also. I'd get Eternal Sonata too, but it's being ported on PS3 with 2 additional playable characters and some events. Basically what made me buy a 360 is Lost Odyssey, and I don't regret it at all, it's quite awesome. Think Final Fantasy X meets Shadow Heart: From the New World meets Magna Carta: Tears of Blood... yep that's how I sum it up.

allyourbaseare Mar 4, 2008

Adoru wrote:

Think Final Fantasy X meets Shadow Heart: From the New World meets Magna Carta: Tears of Blood... yep that's how I sum it up.

neutral  If i had a 360 I'd SO be there.

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