Ashley Winchester Mar 2, 2008
I figured this would be the best place to ask this: What do you think of CN's Adult Swim?
I'm not talking about the shows per say but the overall attitude I get from the bumps. When I started watching in 2003 I thought the bumps were very clever but over the years they have degraded into two predicable formulas:
a) someone says something bad about Adult Swim or show = revenge strike back
b) someone kisses Adult Swim's ass with a related picture = glowing review of said item
I don't find their answers to "type a" that amusing because sometimes people do bring up good points... for example, the amount of time they devoted pitching the Aqua Teen Movie DVD release was simply overkill. Don't even get me started on how they showed the movie before showing it in theaters when it was in a microscopic box in the corner... I'm not a fan but that was really is insulting to me a viewer becuase I knew they had to be up to something stupid.
...but it seems to be the "cool" thing to hate Adult Swim now, even if you watch the shows that air. I'm just curious as to why...