allyourbaseare Mar 6, 2008
So who else is rather excited for the release on Friday?
Meshuggah is absolutely one of my favourite bands. If anyone's tired of listening to the same ol' stuff, then Meshuggah is a must. Here's a little tidbit from wikipedia:
"For example, the main riff of the song "New Millennium Cyanide Christ," from their 1998 album Chaosphere, follows the first aforementioned blueprint. Haake beats a rather slow 4/4 rhythm with his hands, while the bass drums and guitars play a repetitive 23/16 rhythm pattern on top of it. As the subdivided pattern is repeated, the pattern's accents shift to different beats on each repetition. After repeating the 23/16 pattern five times, a shorter 13/16 pattern is played once. These patterns sum up to 128 16th notes which equals exactly 8 measures in 4/4 meter. This, however, makes it a syncope, not a polyrhythm."
F*** yeah.