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Zane Mar 6, 2008

I just went to do a Youtube search for Drakengard videos and I had to dig through pages upon pages of fan vids to find the actual videos from the actual game. Yeah, here's a great idea: take some scenes from Drakengard and put "Smoke on the Water" over them! Or how about My Chemical Romance? Or how about HIKARI?!

I think my new goal in life is to make my own fan vids. Maybe take some Kingdom Hearts vids and dub some Cannibal Corpse over them. Actually, I think I would probably pay a lot of money to watch the smooching scene from FFX dubbed with "Meat Hook Sodomy" or "Hammer Smashed Face".

*headdesk* times a million. Whatever happened to that plague?

Ashley Winchester Mar 6, 2008

yeah, I have to admit there is little worse then when someone puts the wrong song to a video...

... as for the plauge, that's what sucks about medical science, for the most part we can't count on anything to "thin the herd" on occasion.

allyourbaseare Mar 6, 2008

Zane wrote:

Maybe take some Kingdom Hearts vids and dub some Cannibal Corpse over them.

That would ROCK, and also lulz!  \m/  \m/

Ephidel Mar 6, 2008 (edited Mar 6, 2008)

Zane wrote:

I just went to do a Youtube search for Drakengard videos and I had to dig through pages upon pages of fan vids to find the actual videos from the actual game. Yeah, here's a great idea: take some scenes from Drakengard and put "Smoke on the Water" over them! Or how about My Chemical Romance? Or how about HIKARI?!

I think my new goal in life is to make my own fan vids. Maybe take some Kingdom Hearts vids and dub some Cannibal Corpse over them. Actually, I think I would probably pay a lot of money to watch the smooching scene from FFX dubbed with "Meat Hook Sodomy" or "Hammer Smashed Face".

*headdesk* times a million. Whatever happened to that plague?

facepalm.jpg XD

I so agree with you. Since I use a Wii to browse the net, YouTube is basically the only place I can go to watch working videos. Trawling through pages of crap, and actually clicking some of them only to find out it's another fan vid really pisses me off. I've easily spent 3 hours looking for one vid before, and the Wii's browser doesn't make it any easier.

csK Mar 6, 2008

I remember reading about a panel on the growth of user-generated content, and I distinctly remember (well, not DISTINCTLY, as I can't quote it directly, haha!) one of the members pointing out that 90 some per cent of new content will be crap, but the remaining amount will simply blow everything else out of the water.  And, well, its true.  So yea, while there are some incredibly lazy videos which one needs to go through page after page, on the other hand, we're getting to see stuff which has never been imagined before.  So, its worth it (though just barely sometimes, I really hate having to look up a quick fighting game match and have to go through pages of these rubbish 'tool-assisted speedruns' of other games.)

jb Mar 6, 2008 (edited Mar 6, 2008)

You should see the bullshit AMV contests at anime conventions.  Just as bad.

McCall Mar 7, 2008 (edited Sep 10, 2012)


Eirikr Mar 7, 2008

Speaking of Drakengard, I've heard from sources that the final boss of the first game is absolutely crazy in what it is. But yeah, I could never in my life find a video of it.

I want to spoil because the concept is just that outlandish with just a hint of 'typical RPG boss' flavor, but I'll refrain. smile Request, please!

Zane Mar 7, 2008

McCall wrote:

Drakengard for a win. You got me into these games.

Woo! I still haven't played the second one yet. Epic phail? sad If it makes any difference I am still playing the first game. I'm over 40 hours in... still gotta level up all those weapons...

Eirikr wrote:

Speaking of Drakengard, I've heard from sources that the final boss of the first game is absolutely crazy in what it is. But yeah, I could never in my life find a video of it.

I want to spoil because the concept is just that outlandish with just a hint of 'typical RPG boss' flavor, but I'll refrain. smile Request, please!

Well dude, I have a treat for you. Spoilers and general WTF-ery ahead!

Here is the intro movie for the very final boss, and here is a video of the actual fight. Something totally different and totally awesome. After hours of air combat and hack and slash, this boss fight was friggin' epic. So good!

McCall Mar 7, 2008 (edited Sep 10, 2012)


Eirikr Mar 7, 2008

Zane wrote:

Well dude, I have a treat for you. Spoilers and general WTF-ery ahead!

Here is the intro movie for the very final boss, and here is a video of the actual fight. Something totally different and totally awesome. After hours of air combat and hack and slash, this boss fight was friggin' epic. So good!

Holy shit, thanks Zane!

Wow, this was totally not what I was expecting. My friend told me that the final boss was some giant space mother who was constantly birthing fetuses - needless to say, this was still pretty wicked like that, just in a more subtle way.

I might have to play these games now. One obvious question though - how's the music? smile

McCall Mar 8, 2008 (edited Sep 10, 2012)


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