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brandonk Mar 21, 2008

Virtual Boot wrote:
Bernhardt wrote:

Now, why do you suppose that is?

I don't experience PMS, but I'm starting to feel a little pissy. Now, why do you suppose that is?

You made a sweeping generalization about women that's so wrong even the guys are calling bullshit. Instead of trying to qualify it I would just quit while you're behind.

This may be the best comment/reply I've seen on this board...ever...Seriously I just got done laughing out loud for over 2 minutes...Not sure what is 'really' going on in this thread, but some interesting discussions...

Carry on, if you dare

McCall Mar 26, 2008 (edited Sep 10, 2012)


Ashley Winchester Mar 27, 2008 (edited Mar 27, 2008)

Bernhardt wrote:

Women subconsciously despise men; sex is painful for them, yet, they are victims of their naturally sexual circuitry. They don't really want to have sex, but they're naturally compelled to, given the way their minds are wired; same deal with men, only difference is that sex is actually enjoyable for men.

I was at work and I was thinking about this quote for some (unknown) reason. OK, if god doesn't want ppl to get their freak on except for responsible, planned parenthood why on earth didn't he make sex painful or extremely unpleasent to begin with? Think about this for a second, and imagine what effect this would have on the whole scheme of things... STD's and rape might not be as prevalent as they are because (most) ppl want to avoid pain. As for extending a family in this sense, wouldn't "love" allow one to overcome this - or any - pain?

Anyway, sry for my strange ramblings.

Amazingu Mar 27, 2008

Dude, seriously, if you think sex hurts, you are doing something terribly wrong.

TerraEpon Mar 27, 2008

He was saying that if 'God' didn't want people having sex, he wouldn't have made it so pleasurable.

Of course say the same about any indulgence, though...


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