Ashley Winchester Mar 10, 2008
I recently found myself enchanted with some of the tunes on the Wild Arms XF soundtrack and to a certain degree I think it's the most interesting release the series has seen in a long time - I'd hardly call it a home run but it offers a few new takes on the Wild Arms formula. From it's somewhat Sakuraba-e like battle themes to main theme that is reprised in a few of the other tracks, I really enjoy what I like.
The problem is I really don't care for the other 3/4 of the soundtrack - roughly one out of four discs worth of material is gold to my ears. Because of this I began to think about the like/dislike ratio when it comes to albums. To a certain extent don't we all play this game when we buy something? I find it uncommon to find a "solid gold" disc where everything is worthwhile; this is especially true when it comes to multidisc sets.
I can think of some lot older soundtracks (FFVI, Xenogears) that are multidisc that I can easily digest as they come but this isn't the case with most newer soundtracks.
What are your "ratios" when it comes to a given "type" of soundtrack? What soundtracks would you rate the highest?