SquareTex Mar 13, 2006 (edited Mar 14, 2006)
I have no idea how I missed this news. True, Black has been getting some major hype due to its "blow-everything-up" gameplay. But I didn't know about the music until just now.
Simply put, Chris Tilton and Michael Giacchino are back. ESPECIALLY Chris.
In a move similar to the Mercenaries soundtrack, Michael helped create the main theme and offered some advisement, but otherwise this is Chris's baby once more. (I expect that MI3 is keeping Michael busy.) I'm listening to it on Rhapsody right now, and it's clear that he's really coming into his own.
The actual CD isn't out yet...I think. Rhapsody has it, and so does iTunes. And, of course, you can hear some samples at Chris's site. It'll be a short album - about 1/2 an hour - since the music is apparently reserved for some of the more intense moments in the game. (If you are so inclined, the game does have a "custom soundtrack" feature, but I think a lot of players are loving what they're hearing already.)
EDIT: Actually, I was just talking with Chris, and he didn't remember seeing it at iTunes. The distributors seems to be REALLY dragging their feet. (How DID Rhapsody get a hold of it first?!?)