Bernhardt Mar 13, 2008
Y'know how some DVD movies offer commentary tracks? You just select the commentary option, and then either in background or foreground, you get commentary about what you're seeing, from some of the people who produced the movie, whether it be directors, actors, or other film personnel?
When was the last time that a DVD commentary actually provided insight into what you're seeing, that it actually told you more than what you saw on the surface?
Most commentaries, you just get reactions like, "Oh wow, that was so cool, I forgot we did that!" But every so often, the producers want to bare all, and tell you how they did all of the special effects tricks, how they got actors or stuntspeople to do certain stunts, etc.; they more-or-less give you informal film school.
Last commentary like this that I thought was actually any darn good was the commentary for Grindhouse: Planet Terror. Presented some REALLY interesting stuff on how they did some of that; I'm probably going to run through it again, because there WERE some things I didn't quite catch.
Bourne Ultimatum also had a pretty good commentary, too.
I find that commentaries from directors and producers are best; actors just tend to ramble on, if not say the same thing over and over again.