James O Apr 1, 2008
This is pretty elaborate for an April Fool's joke...
This is pretty elaborate for an April Fool's joke...
This is pretty elaborate for an April Fool's joke...
IGN is an April Fool's Joke 365 days a year.
This is pretty elaborate for an April Fool's joke...
they could have picked prettier people...
James O wrote:This is pretty elaborate for an April Fool's joke...
IGN is an April Fool's Joke 365 days a year.
yeah, i can't believe they gave Godhand a bad review...
Say James, was it you who pulled this timeless prank on us STC'ers a while back?
I swear, that scared the living daylights outta me terribly. *_*
Haha, ya now that you mention it, I think it was me... I think that was back even when those damn things first started appearing on the net, though I'm not sure about that...
I love AFD on the internets. From IGN's Zelda trailer to Blizzard's Atari WOW to Destructoid's FOXTOID Mario Kills Turtles story, it's been a good day. EGM/1up's Lego Halo was decent, Microsoft's wood-paneled XBOX Classic was ok, and the MGS4/Assassin's Creed thing was creepy, but Capcom's Sheng Long fell flat as did Google's Virgle. Extra points to ThinkGeek for making Super Pii Pii Brothers a Japanese game.
I can't remember who did this one a year or so back, but someone announced that there'd be a darker, futuristic Zelda game in development, and the trailer was really elaborate. I was so disappointed to find it was only a prank.