Soundtrack Central The best classic game music and more

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vertexguy Apr 17, 2008

Hey all,
For those interested I have a new video online. It's for my latest original song titled "Premonition", which is featured in the game Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection on PS2, PSP and Wii. Enjoy!


Angela Apr 17, 2008

Damn, that was amazing, Chris.   Sweet licks and a surprisingly robust and catchy composition; all pinball game music should aspire to be this good.  ^_^

.... Now, how's about another Contra Jungle Jam encore?  (I kid, I kid.)  ;)

brandonk Apr 18, 2008

Dude..You're bad ass!  We've got some serious muso's in the house folks.  Can't wait to check more of your stuff out.  Feedback forthcoming.



vertexguy Apr 19, 2008

Thanks guys smile

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