I received mine a couple days ago, and I've been listening to it almost non-stop. It's not the serious, ass-kickin' stuff that we got with DAIOUJOU and KE-TSUI, but it's still very enjoyable in its own way.
The Stage C-1 music (track 8)... It's like some kind of high-energy synth-jazz thing, and doesn't sound like anything I've heard from Namiki's older soundtracks (except for maybe a couple tracks from Garegga, but that's a stretch). I hope I'm wrong about that, though; I want more.
DeathSmiles OST gets the Recommended stamp from me. I still don't see this at CocoeBiz, so you may want to get it from Play-Asia while you still can. As it was said, Cave discs don't last long, and they're gone when they're gone.
EDIT: And Namiki still makes the best "stage clear" music.