I bought quite a few items which was most unfortunate for my poor bank balance. It only came out this month in Europe so got Apollo Justice and swiftly followed by the purchase of the soundtrack that just came today.
I also got the GTA 4 special edition cheap on ebay but had to sell the game as my 360 became faulty. At least got £40 for the game alone as it was incredibly hard to buy in shops for at least 2 weeks from release making the specil edition stuff come out at £16.
I also bought the Panzer Dragoon Zwei soundtrack from Zane here which I am looking forward to and a friend got me the Sonic and Knuckles soundtrack in Japan. Also succumbed to buying some more gamecube games on ebay cheap consisiting of pokemon stadium,warioworld and the gameboy player.
Just want to see if I slowdown a bit as well now otherwise I will go bankrupt in no time!
At least it seems there are no must have games out this month.